Holy Hyaena

I've read a lot of Cat Marnell's writing, and I'll probably buy this book on Kindle, and even finish it. Here's why: Cat Marnell is interesting in the same way that absinthe-drinking artists in 19th Century were interesting. It's the big persona of someone living completely outside of my safe borders. She does things

It especially made me better, after reading your entertaining comment.

I think it's really cool that the couple decided to alert airport personell themselves. It's great that they had a suspicion, but even better that they followed through on it.

If we're brave enough to confront people, attitudes can change.

I had a boss who gave me all kinds of responsibility and honor, but she never told anyone else about this. So when I tried to make decisions, they'd just look at me like I was a kid dressed up in her mom's clothes. When I then asked my boss if I'd misinterpreted her words, she said, "No, you got it right. You're in

Oh, absolutely.

Good! Feel confident! If you feel something is amiss, you're completely within your rights to decline/ leave/ say no. It doesn't matter if no one else agrees with you. You always have the right to back out of a situation where you're not comfortable. (And if it helps, I'll agree with you, from afar.)

Hahaha! Look at him, dropping his pants.

I don't hate him, but I don't like the way he writes. His sentences go on forever, and sometimes end places where they truly don't belong. His ledes are particularily horrible. Some examples (all sic):

Haha! I think that's the best conclusion to any awkward situation.

The Gift of Fear is wonderful (even if Gavin deBecker might not be — I don't know)! Glad it helped you out. It's been of great assistance to me as well. Putting the book down after finishing it, I really felt I was seeing the world with new eyes. I still feel that way.

Smart move on your part to not trust him, and to not let him into your home after sending the e-mail. Even if he wasn't going to hurt you (which we'll never know), there was no reason for you to trust a person acting that creepy.

Now playing

That is incredibly smart! Possibly the smartest piece of advice I've read this week.

Holy hell. How can anyone be that dim?

This is important!

I agree with you. People are recording and documenting everything now, every little bit of action that goes on, whether they're part of it or not. It's so odd to me, this compulsion to film everything.

I think he's quite dapper.


I've seen this video before, and it led to a whole night of watching similar videos on Youtube.