Holy Hyaena

Yeah, Obama winning was another mis. He hadn't done anything yet! Winning on the premise that he *might* do something good is just... It's terrible.

Unfortunately, they're within their rights to give it to whomever. However, I do think the current committee chair is thoroughly corrupt. (Sorry about the alliteration.)

I'm Norwegian, but not a fan of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee. My biggest problem with this committee is that is the chair, Torbjørn Jagland, is a politician who has traditionally been very EU-friendly. Norway is not part of the EU, and the Norwegian people have voted against membership more than once, but Jagland

No, it isn't. Hot dogs filled with cheese in covered in bacon, with a milkshake on the side is the best hangover cure. I wouldn't even touch Sprite.

Yeah it's a necklace, or rather, choker. You can't see the two lines coming from the medallion? There's one on top and one on the bottom of the shiny round shape.

Yes, I have this too, and I wrote to the Kinja helpline people. In my e-mail, I tols them my operating system, my web browser, and this problem.

I'm with Zelda Pinwheel. You're brother sounds like a serious catch. (Yes, I'm basing this solely on his appreciation of shiny things, and no, I'm not being faceitious.)

I've just spent ten minutes staring bears staring at water...

Wow! That's amazing! And this is happening right now? I'm gonna be stuck watching them all night now...

Yes! And make him stomp his hind legs forever! He's so stubby and adorable.

I sorry. I kill jokes. :(

Yeah, it's difficult to pick sides in a literal food fight, but I always go with the side who's most photogenic, or most clever. (I do that in life as well, and push my friends to the bears if they're not good looking/ smart enough.)

No, the people are really friendly and calm. The Norwegian guy commenting (and possibly filming) just keeps reiterating what we're seeing:

Yeah. And no one in the boat does anything to scare him off.

Now playing

Just for you, I present this video to show that nature is sometimes pretty neat too. It starts at around 2:14:

Now playing

This is my favourite ever "thinks he's a dog"-video. I wanna watch this porcupine play all day and all night!

Thank you for a most eminent explanation!

I'm slow. Who is this?

He looks great.

I think you have a point.