Holy Hyaena

Accidentally. She wasn't trying to do anything for the animal; something (hopefully) good happened because other people reacted to the picture, not because Rihanna did herself.
(Since I don't know what will become of the animal, I'm adding the word "hopefully".)

Here's the thing: it doesn't matter whether Rihanna knew the slow loris was endangered or not. She could see it was being handled by two people, for the sole purpose of getting money from tourists. No animal should ever be treated this way (except maybe some dogs, who might actually enjoy it).

I didn't laugh at the video clip, but I laughed at that. Well said!

That is hilarious! What are you going to do with that?

You know what, based on the trailer I love this movie. It's so lush! I really need something like this in my life now: extra sparkly jewelry, extra soft lighting, extra posh Nicole Kidman.

You're right, I didn't read the linked article. I only read what was featured here.

I think this is a complete waste of priorities and resources. Someone already did this, 102 years ago.

How about this tweet, from our age-deficit genius:

I can't take credit for this; this is all Jaden Smith. Blows my mind...

Put away thy bygones was quatro in Iran... OMG! There are four senile people in Iran!

Hm... But she isn't finished yet. Maybe she's gonna stick to her sobriety, and become a really great adult actress. I actually hope so.

Jaden Smith also posted this on his Twitter:

Yeah, coral-redish.

I've started to close men's legs myself, if they're sitting next to me all spread froglegs. I do it whilst smiling, but not looking at them. That is, I smile, look right in front of me, and just gently push their knee with the back of my hand. This way they can't really take it as me trying to pick them up, because

No, no, no! Baldwin isn't trying too hard! That's all Blue Steel.

Wow, that is perfection. Nothing this man ever does or touches is ever wasteful. Even when he's breaking the law, it turns into art.

I wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of these ladies in worthwhile projects. (I'm talking good, interesting movies, Hollywood. Please make them.)

I love this man!

Grace Jones is a goddess. She can do no wrong, and even when she's doing wrong, it's right.

What we women really have to do is stop caring what people who have no impact on our lives think of us. He thinks I'm a bitch? Whatever. He's clearly a douche. Thinking this way means you you have to teach yourself to ignore strangers' feelings and opinions, which can be difficult, but it'll make your life so much