Amen. Way more iconic than Seb and his Partner whom I’d never heard of before this post...
Amen. Way more iconic than Seb and his Partner whom I’d never heard of before this post...
You know he’s 51 right?
That guy at the end, in the Bug, was the driver of the buggy that tore up San Francisco in the now infamous video below...
Should’ve got the Long Box.
John Hennessey will be watching this closely. I’m sure he’d love to sue the shit out of some of the commenter's on here.
The ethernet port needs to attached to the powersupply on the board. It’s much more complicated than an adapter I’m afraid.
Three on the tree! Always wanted to drive one of those!
Damon, I think your concerns about V2V communication being stifled by WiFi improvements may be for nothing.
Wifi operates on an open band, or frequency of 2.4 Ghz, and 5 Ghz Spectrum, and it would be quite foolish for V2V communication operate on those frequencies. There are hundreds of consumer devices that use those…
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
This has to be the craziest shit I've ever seen. And I'm not even sure it was Russian! Motherfucker takes his hands off at 1:45!
Still about 20k too much.
Smugness evaporated quickly when I reproduce "the one we want" and it's $39,646 with taxes.
I'm just noticing on the (Canadian site), I can use the configurator to build a 2-door! Not that I want one(as a MK5 two-door owner who once no kids but now does), but it's one of those smuggness moments I had to tell make people(americans) aware of.
That uphill 360 right hander is suh-weet. Nice driving by the way, was there anyone you didn't pass? That pass you set up at 2:44 for the hairpin right, that looked like some really good fun, and a nice move too.
Went there last fall for the first time and it was amazing!