Judges gonna judge.
Judges gonna judge.
I’m torn because I want more details (how?!?) but I also probably don’t want more details.
This is totally not the point, but this is all I can think about whenever I hear about this show.
This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.
Did he eat a carb? Or forget to fat-shame his clients?
I don’t think that there is enough alcohol to erase what I just read. It made me feel genuinely ill.
I’d forgotten they used a surrogate and I was dumbfounded for a second that she’d go through pregnancy again after how horrible the first two were for her (especially the second). But apparently this is just happy news. Mazel!
I was thirteen when Zombie came out and I wanted to cut and bleach my hair like her in the video but my mom and boyfriend talked me out of it. I’m tempted to go do it today. I loved her.
My rooted S5 still serves me wonderfully, and I’ll keep it until it dies off or Samsung cut the unremovable battery bullshit, whatever comes first.
Wait, it’s a private residence built THIS YEAR and it’s somehow special because it was temporarily used as a convent? I feel like I’m missing something. I thought this was like... a building with some historical importance?
I can’t even comprehend the level of entitlement/privilege I would have to have to think I could grab Terry Crews by the giblets and not be worried about getting fucked up.
Oh, so does this mean we can finally quit pretending that Terry Richardson hasn’t been gross as hell FOREVER? Also, his shitty photography has always been just as much garbage as he is as a human being, and I will never understand his popularity.
And what exactly are YOU proposing Europeans do? Nothing? Yeah no. If these women want to be covered from head to toe, there are countries for that. A long fucking list: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc. Why not go there? I mean I know why: they want their cake and eat it too. They want to not integrate AND get all the…
No one wore flats? I practically live in them (I’m far too clumsy for heels) and see them everywhere.
wow, she’s better singing with a clenched jaw than half of the regular contestants on these things.
She is adorable - she made an old lady puppet flirt with Simon. And I enjoyed it and I have a cold shriveled heart that hates this shit and these shows.
She is amazing!
Nice to see Chris Pratt getting gout and about.