I just can’t stand the way the marshmallows squeak when you bite them.
I just can’t stand the way the marshmallows squeak when you bite them.
Can they have at least one story where someone wishes for something, they make it come true, and nothing horrible happens because, God forbid, you wished for something? Like, Can I wish to be rich, and not have it end up with me being rich but my whole family dying? I hated that show. The moral of the story was always…
How about this one, I was Maid of honor at a friends wedding, and she did not invite my mother to the wedding (no biggie, they were not close) but then she wants to invite her to the shower so she can get an extra gift. My mom was appalled. Of course she didn’t go.
Could have been liver also. Here is one that happened in our city. So sad http://taylorhaugen.org/
Miley and Gene Simmons
Closest I can do is my cats look like Grumpy Cat/Tarder Sauce but more beautiful. Miley
Actually, I think the hairless dogs do.
They “decided to “ do it? like on purpose? Serial killers in the making?
Uncanny. He is the missing triplet.
If it is a heterosexual couple, maybe they wanted everyone to think the baby was the husbands. I had a friend who was embarrassed by in vitro because her husband was born with no vas deferens. They were mortified at the thought of using a donor and lied to everyone and said that it was his.
AHHHH I just said the same thing! Moist. Ugh
That and “moist”
It reminds me of Le Sportsac that we all had in the 70’s. and I just remembered as I typed this, that was purple too!
I have the cutest purple Jessica Simpson knapsack. I use it to sneak snacks into the movies.
Maddie is great, but I would have picked Mackenzie. Maddie is not exactly humble. Great dancer though, probably the best. She will hopefully go on to a great dancing career.
I thought I read that the pilot DID say it was too heavy nit the passengers insisted. I could be wrong
or soft pretzels that were frozen (has some ice on them), you didn’t heat them up enough in the microwave, so lukewarm and soggy. so gross.
Yes. should have been “Yes, your wife lent me hers after she blew your dad”
Its probably Legos. Those are expensive.