
The NBA Street series on PS2 was amazing. I mean, Larry Bird could dunk. Doesn’t get any further from simulation than that.

yeah but littering is bad too

I build my own rigs, I deal with BSoDs all the time. It happens when your video card is overclocked and always being updated with new firmware, but ya, it's rarely Windows' fault

Ya, she was big into gaming back in the SNES/Genesis days but eventually grew out of it.

Are you crazy, there are a ton of amazing games coming out in the release window. Along with 3rd party stuff like Watch Dogs, ACIV and Battlefield 4, there is the first-party exclusives like Killzone, and the one I'm most excited for, Infamou: Second Son.

Her students already think she's a gamer becasue she makes references to Gears of War and Assassin's Creed from watching me play them. The games she prefers are more in the line of Civ5 or The Sims, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Same here. I think I lost whole months of my childhood to that game.

I played Zelda II before I played the original. So when I tried the original I hated it. I still fire up Zelda II from time to time and still greatly enjoy how hardcore a game it is.

My wife, a teacher, has been using my Watch Dogs lanyard I got at PAXEast for her work keys. Before E3 no one noticed it. After E3 she gets comments from students about it all the time. Note: She had no idea about the game herself until I showed her a trailer three days ago.

I got confirmation from Amazon I'll be getting my PS4 on day one, but still haven't decided on what game to get. I'm leaning towards Watch Underscore Dogs. That one seems to interest me the most. I would like to play Assassin's Creed 4, but 3 left such a bad impression I never finished it so I might wait on that one.

When I moved out of my parents house in 2008 my dad accidentally dropped my DVD-player and broke it. Out of guilt for that $50 DVD player he bought me a (then $399) PS3.

I live in a suburban area outside of Boston so outside my yearly trips to PAX i never pick up any street passes despite carrying it everywhere I go.

I paintball often and unfortunately CoD has infiltrated that. I cringe and specifically target every 12 year old I hear say something stupid like "where are they spawning?"

It would have been hilarious if the woman had just dropped the controller, and in front of everyone just slugged the guy and walked off stage.

DirectX11? How exotic!

How much longer do I have to wait for a Zelda/Deus Ex crossover?

Diners Club?

Accepts CDs, DVDs, BDR, Visa, Mastercard and AMEX

For those with Cable Internet, try replacing your provided modem with an aftermarket Motorola SurfBoard. I picked up one for $60 and while I pay Time Warner Cable for the 20 Mbps connection, during off peak times I can hit upwards of 70 Mbps with my new modem. It's worth the price for the speed boost and easy to set

I'm so emo, listen to my acoustic guitar