
Don't forget his lovely tit remarks about Jennifer Lopez at that award show. Pure class this one

Being proud of something you were born with is about as lazy and entitled as it gets.

Agreed. If the person isn’t drop dead gorgeous, world famous and ridiculously rich, in which case it may be in poor taste but she is certainly in an easy position to laugh it off.

How dare they ignore athletes! Whoever is on the field should be the focus of everyone’s attention at all times. No one else is allowed to be the centre of attention except male athletes! Everyone knows that ... geesh.

Thus confirming that Sandra Bullock (adorable as she is) is a total size queen. (remember how nobody could figure out why she was into Jesse James? Yeah, exactly ...) Careful, Sandy. As J-Lo will tell you, a big dong isn’t going to comfort you in your old age ...

Twitter is FULL of porn. It’s a full time job just to keep your feed FREE of porn.

It also feels a bit disingenuous coming from a woman who has used her looks as her primary vehicle to inform, create and promote her art since the day she came on the scene. I've been saying for years she needs to quit trying so hard to be sexy and focus on the art of her craft. This is not an ageist or sexist

Hey, hey, now. Don't drag us stenographers down in order to make your point. It's a very challenging and respected job, thanks.

Seems like an appropriate place for a bonding family outing. Lots of stick figures for North to play with.

I say we spearhead a protest by boycotting all manufacturers of baby sports jerseys. The grooming abuse starts so early these days. Protect the children!

I don't understand why you would coach/train your child to care this much about something that has no measurable effect upon their life whatsoever. Granted lots of kids love sports and kids will get upset randomly over anything for little reason, but I've seen too many parents cramming sports frenzy down their

People with long histories of being terrible to each other often grow wiser as they grow older and slowly over time evolve their behaviour from terrible into generally kind. Eventually a history of untoward stuff can be slowly replaced with memories of happier times. In those cases, I see no reason to focus on the

what about Henry Cavill?

Although I agree he's a douchey choice for Sexiest Man Alive, I think he has his own appeal. He's gay friendly and not all of his music sucks. I wonder if I would feel differently about him if I was a woman.

Yeah, I thought Kate Upton the second I saw this image.

I've never understood why there's a blanket implication that it's somehow offensive to simply be curious. I think a person's ethnicity is interesting, specifically in relation to how they look. Does that make me racist or an asshole?

Same problem that I Am Legend had: The zombies run SO fast and furiously that any instance where a normal human gets away from them seems completely implausible. You can have fast zombies, even these new climbing, "feral" type zombies, without them moving faster than any human would ever be able to move (28 Days

Well, I'm glad she said yes! And I have to admit I was moved watching her reaction.

You mean it wasn't even a regular movie theatre? Ugh ...

I thought that at first, but do a Google images search and you'll see she doesn't actually have brown eyes. They're more green/hazel/blue-ish.