
Why aren’t the suing China, which emits more than the US and the EU combined?

Politicians have to pander to teens. “Oh, they’re the future. How, how wonderful.” I get it. It’s stupid, but I get it.

To see grown adults pandering to teens, is awful. If you think I’m going to listen to a 15 year old tell me about “climate science”, you can eat a thousand zebra dicks.

BTW, I very much believe in

If anything Trump has taught us. Just because there’s laws. Doesn’t mean you can enforce them. Especially if the leaders on the other side are scared ass punks. (Pelosi)

I just made essentially the same comment. We’re apparently the only ones who see it that way.

She deserved it. She went out of her way to place her hand on his mid area to get his attention. He did not walk into her. She clearly was trying to get his attention with touch. Big no no. You aren’t special.

Honestly, I would not be surprised if Tfue sees/hears this word all the time, be it in music, youtube videos, social media post, or even among friends. In the context of all that, it isn’t a “bad” word, and it gets said a lot. It’s easy to see how it becomes part of someones lexicon, despite him being the “wrong”

How fucking hard is it for people to simply change the channel?

You’re a grown ass adult too. Grow the fuck up. Its retardedly autistic to continue to punish yourself by repeatedly putting yourself in situations where you’re going to be offended.

Why are you still watching DrDisrespect, or Tyler1, or TicklemePink or any

She said something thoughtless and stupid, but does that make her a racist? 

horse shit. everything is america’s fault isn’t it? It’s not the saudi’s refusing to sell oil or always holding a knife behind their backs. and of course it’s not THEM funding radical fundamentalism. no, it’s AMERICA’s fault. the 1970s oil shock was all america

It also makes it hard to discuss the points Piker was trying to make, though he did, by his own admission, make them sloppily. What he tried to do was hold a powerful figure accountable by dispelling his justifications for undeniably abhorrent acts perpetrated by the United States.

You guys are pathetic scumbags.  He’s still a war veteran that did two tours.  More than you sack of shits will ever do in your lifetime for this country.

And Hasan Piker is somehow not an opportunistic? Using the current political turmoil to spout his far left non-sense for dumb SJW clowns like you. 

As if to imply that there's a shortage of similar if not worse rhetoric on the other side. 

direct links to white supremacists

Wow, you are an actual piece of shit.  How did you not get flushed?

So placing 3000+ innocent civilians in a series of planes and skyscrapers as deserving of dying in terror attacks because politicians in said country aren’t particularly nice. Real moral stance there fucknugget.

Nathan spending 90% of the article justifying the logic of this POS :)  Still, I hope this toxic individual is banned permanently.

This is the same jackass who a few months ago basically said he didn’t care if he was right as long as people listened to him. He may make a few valid points, but he’s still trash.

They won’t do a moratorium because they’re doing it for the clicks. They know it’ll spiral off and drive traffic. It’s why this piece started with a riff about Chick-Fil-A’s politics even though he “didn’t really want to” talk about as if he wasn’t writing an article and couldn’t hit the delete button at ANY time. You

Kevin, thanks for the review. I like Popeyes and I love spicy chicken so I’m excited to try this. And on an unrelated note, I tried Beyond Meat on the recommendation of this site. It’s also good!