
could it BE any more smug?

What is the main gripe here? That Friends was a very white sitcom or that Lego made a set based on a very white sitcom, or that Lego didn’t add some diversity to their set based on a very white sitcom?

Sweetheart, there’s nothing wrong with calling out the problematic-by-modern-standards material in the show Friends. There’s plenty of it.

Can’t help but smell the smug off that title. *eye roll*

I know that the writers generally don’t write their own headlines, but never has it been more clear than right now.


You’ll do nothing, not today, not tomorrow— just as you did nothing yesterday. Your bravado is embarassing, as well as misplaced. Trump has separated kids from their families, attempted to ban Muslims, but another nasty tweet is your dealbreaker? 

No you won’t. You won’t do anything when you see a maga-hat, but when you get home you’ll seethe with rage and rant on the internet. 

Who gives a fuck about these cunts?

So it would be OK if someone didn’t like your political views and committed violence against you?

Gosh, you are so brave sitting there typing that out. I am truly impressed and not at all laughing at yet another keyboard warrior who will do absolutely nothing they have just typed that they would.

Norwegian tanker. NATO Article 5 (Collective Defense) means if one NATO Ally is attacked, it is considered an attack against all Allies, which means the US is also to assist its’ allies in defense.

The US Navy, as part of its mission, ensures the freedom of passage of all sea lines of communication around the globe as these are critical to our national prosperity, and therefore national interest. The Navy routinely conducts “freedom of navigation” missions in international waters, testing illegal expansionist

Ever heard of NATO? Norway is in NATO too, and one of their tankers was attacked. The US military has a lot more investigatigatory capabilities than the Norwegian military does, so for the US to take point makes sense.

Any POC that pulled a stunt like that with a white, male candidate would have been lit up like a WR by Ronnie Lott before he could have taken two steps beyond the stairs.”

load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in.  Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed. 

Oh fuck off you dumb cunt.  The entire show has women in power, the little girl kills the most powerful being in the show.  The most powerful Queen was the show’s biggest hero till this last season, and the most hated person was Cerci.  All female.   Shove that moronic ThIs ShOw iS aBoUt MaLe aGeNda  in your own nasty

I think people are missing the real accomplishment here. A munition like this is useless unless it scores a direct hit. Those blades are about 3' long. Even grazing the vehicle would likely fail to kill the occupants. But look at the photos - that thing would have gone right down the fucking sunroof if the car had

For some reason, in a show with ice zombies and magic resurrections and dragons, the thing I can’t suspend my disbelief for is the giant long range super accurate quick reload scorpion.

Congrats, you read that ridiculous Vox article.