
The umpire was actually pretty fucking patient given all the finger-pointing, arm-flapping, demands for apologies after insulting the guy, crying, accusations of sexism, and general bullshit.

Can we please stop with the Serena worship? She’s a titan of tennis, a superb athlete, but she’s not without flaws, without her faults. She’s petulant, and this isn’t the first or worst instance of abusing an official in her career.

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”

Wait, you mean having pineapple on pizza, or the debate about it?

“Conform perfectly to the party image.... or else!”

Couldn’t have said it better.

The world would be a better place without face tattoos.

A white guy with bad face tats, but somehow with enough money for a private plane. Momma lied to me.

His wealthy, Generous parents huh?

You mean the step-dad who came to America at age 15 from Cuba. Who put himself through school to become a petroleum engineer? Or his mom who was pregnant with Jeff at age 17 and whose father abandoned her?

What about the 22 out of 60 other people he had to fucking convince to lend him

Perhaps you can quit your quaint office job. Risk everything you have starting an online book retailer. Ignore all of the people in your life who are telling you not to risk it. Then you can carry that company through IPO’s and all the other bullshit that comes with running a business. Then you can make sure that your

Yes, Bezos should distribute his entire $1.7M 2017 earnings so that the 563,000 Amazon employees can make another $3 for the year. And Easterbrook should give his up, too, so that Mcdonalds 1,900,000 employees could all have another $11 for the year.

I can’t wait tilde next time they meet

You’re confusing types of taxes. Apple can’t dodge payroll taxes (which is the equivalent to what we’re talking about). Apple dodges taxes on corporate income, which is a different thing.

Public, private... so what. Democracy thrives when there’s debate, and withers when there isn’t. In the spirit of democracy, no one should shy away from a chance for dialogue. She had a chance to reach MILLIONS of people on Ben’s show, and be a calm, rational voice of progressivism, and explain why progressive ideas

Yeah, I voted for Trump and I’m pretending. You idiots are the democratic socialists who think everyone in the country wants to burn down the system and spend all of our money on healthcare. There are a lot of people who vote democratic that don’t believe the democratic socialists message. You idiots are alienating

I’ve actually watched him debate many times. He uses more rationality and logic than his opponents. Granted, that’s often because his opponents are random college kids from the crowd, who are nervous on camera and untrained in debate. But it can’t be denied that he’s good. Which is why it would have been great to see

“...they’re not actually interested in reasonable or nuanced debate...”

I love how some people on the left who go nuts if someones appearance on their side is used derogatively will do the same thing.

I don’t understand how this is catcalling...I really don’t.

By the same token, most criticism of Shapiro goes quickly from “I don’t like his debate tactics” to “HE LOOKS LIKE AN ANGRY 8TH GRADER WHO GOT HIS LUNCH MONEY STOLEN, AND HE IS HALF THE SIZE OF THE AVERAGE HUMAN”. Even though progressives are so caught up in defending every other variation of the human form, unless of