You got a pet. You got a responsibility. If your dog is lost, you don’t look for an hour then call it quits; you get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog!
You got a pet. You got a responsibility. If your dog is lost, you don’t look for an hour then call it quits; you get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog!
I’m a similar beast. There’s a girl that works the register at my nearest grocery store. Always pleasant and chipper, but just...too much. Like she asks corny kid riddles while ringing your items up. I get that she’s just trying to get through her day, but I just want to buy a bottle of wine and some tortillas and…
They were booed long before that. They did that because they were booed. It was their show of defiance to the crowd that had disrespected them for hours at that point. Stop acting like the boos only started after that stunt.
i came to read this story, totally prepared to feel sorry for her. it must have been so painful for your son to be that evil and kill so many.
Here’s a funnier myth: Socialism works.
That is not a promise, honey.
Promising people free things that you can’t actually deliver on is a great way to get elected. Especially if you’re courting young people who vote with their hearts and not their heads.
Dude, you need to recalibrate your sarcasm detector.
Boy you have a lot of faith in the power of regular people berating public officials at restaurants.
Nah, it won’t make it out of committee because eventually somebody with access to a dictionary will point out that an enraged mob beating somebody to death who just intentionally ran over a kid is also a lynching, and under this new law police would be required to charge the offenders as having committed a hate crime.…
Right, so you agree with this poll of “experts” and think the U.S. worse to women, from a violence standpoint, than:
Because your ignorance to conditions outside the United States (which you displayed in your first comment) was staggering. There is no greatest country in the world. There are countries that do well and some things and (definitely) do poorly at others.
I’m saying nothing of the sort. You’re projecting. Sexual assault is horrible, and the chances of it happening to any woman anywhere in the world are staggeringly high, unfortunately.
You sound like someone who has never heard of Iran or Egypt.
But, but, but our president said something misogynist!! *queue tears of rage*
Go. Go where he has gone and see what he’s seen. There are many things America can do better. But there are SO MANY things that it does right, right now. This list is ridiculous, with goalposts placed to support a conclusion in order to push an agenda.
Because that’s not what the listicle is about. My concern is that when a well-regarded company like Reuters puts something in rank-order, there is an implied quantitative method employed. That’s obviously not the case here. When articles present editorial zingers under a veneer of objectivity we all get dumber.
We’re seriously expected to believe that women are worse off here than in El Salvador? Gimme a fuckin break