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If you want to get caught up, all the 2016 rounds are up on the World RX YouTube (here’s Germany, which had one of the most incredible passes in racing history that year). The 2017 rounds are on the Ford Performance facebook because Ford bought the streaming rights in the US for 2017. Search for “World Rallycross

There’s more than just the death of Supercars. Drama-type issues, plus some allegedly bad deals. As for being able to watch and attend, I wouldn’t worry about it. FIA has been broadcasting the entire World Rallycross Championship for free on YouTube for years now. Good chance they’ll give ARX similar treatment, unless

The GRC tracks don’t hold a candle to the quality of an FIA rallycross track. Check out Holjes or Estering on YouTube. Or hell, even Trois Riviere where the Canadian ARX event will be held. The FIA can (and likely will) do it better.

His reaction after the stage was great as well. “yea I went a bit not straight and landing was interesting, but we are still in the lead all is good.”

Never! Rally Sweden must live on.

There is nothing more ‘90s than a Teal SN95 Mustang with 3 spoke wheels:

It makes sense from a technical perspective. Hillclimbing is the other natural home for electrics, for those same reasons.

Why not have both electrics and the current turbo engines? Harder to keep balanced maybe, but we could see how the two vastly different technologies face up on the track and it’d be a more gradual transition to full electric in the future without causing such a big upset both to fans and teams.

This is actually a genius place to put electric race cars. The racing format is short so they should be fine on battery sizes. Well played. Especially if the gas cars are sticking around too, just makes another class and that’s just nothing but more cool cars out there. I like it.

Thought about it more. Pure Rally I think think is madness, because although EVs can be loud (as your other video shows), they are nothing like a Rally car that is pop-corning due to the anti-lag system.

The pre-race burnout with the screaming engines is one of the best parts of the WRXC. My wife and I were at the Montreal race last year and the howl of those cars gets people pretty pumped. The racing itself is cool, but removing the auditory punch will lessen the experience. Glad I’ve felt it at least once. We plan

Ya know, electric cars can make interesting sounds too.

RATIONAL ME: “this makes perfect sense, since the races are short and the cars are AWD, and electrics accelerate like mad, should be good racing”

Guess I’ll be the contrary voice here. I think electric makes a lot of sense for World RX. As the running time and distances of each heat are quite short, existing motors can be adapted to run in races.

Places like what, a track not built specifically for rallycross? I’d invite you to watch a full season of WorldRX alongside a full season of Redbull’s Global Rallycross. One has purpose-built tracks while the other uses improvised circuits. Guess which one is a lot better to follow and much better driver competition?

Rallycross is the best place for electric racing to go. Short races not dependent on regeneration, battery capacity exceeding that needed for short 4- and 6-lap races, and cars that already accelerate faster than everything short of Pro-level dragsters. As weird as it is to say, I’d welcome this with open arms.

I guess this will be an interesting psychology experiment with the next generation. The question is, do we love the loud roar of engines on their own or do we love them because they are an indication/proof of speed and power.

I think it will put a lot of people off initially, but I think over time people will realize is about the competition.

Coming soon ?