
Thank you! I don’t think people remember how the second and third Mad Max movies aren’t really about Max. He’s just a crazy badass who is there. That’s the whole appeal! He just wanders in, kicks ass, and leaves. Other people get stories. Max gets to kick ass.

Oh, I understand, and wholeheartedly agree. It was just that “he didn’t win 11 rings with a bunch of eggheads and Steve Kerrs” sounded funny to me.

Well, I mean, he won 4 of those rings with Steve Kerr. To be fair.

First off: I’m not a lawyer, and nothing I say here constitutes legal advice. That being said, the only way to reset the statute is if you pay. Calling won’t hurt. Also, provided they don’t have a judgment on you (it’s public record, and it would show on your credit report), it is definitely past statute. If the

This will help.

They very much are, but most cap out at the federal limit of 6 years. However, if also varies by type. NSF checks are only 5 years in my state, and rental debt only 3. So, you debts of those types can no longer be collected on after those times, but credit reporting goes for 7 years before the claim expires. Just

So, there is some good advice here... Assuming the debt is fraudulent. If it’s a purchased account, this is mostly true. Another important thing to look out for with these scumbag companies is the date of the debt. Many will buy out of statute debt for pennies, then hope some sucker doesn’t realize it and pays, even a

And these people wonder why they don’t get hired with names like that on a resume! I mean, this is America (and Canada)! Name your kids normal names and we wouldn’t have all these hiring disparities... Oh wait, these are all white kids? Carry on then.

So, while I still love the movie, I kind of agree with the “more you watch it the worse it gets” thing. I got stoned last night and put it in, and some of the hamfisted methods they use to progress the plot are just terrible. The introduction scene in the prison? The fact that nobody ever questions Gamora’s loyalty

I’m with you. The Dark Knight has one redeeming quality: Heath Ledger’s crazy-ass performance. Everything else is like a messier and more pro-Bush-policies Batman Begins (which is actually very underrated). Ask people how good TDK was, they’ll tell you it was great. Ask them the last time they watched it, and they’ll

Now THIS is great Kinja. I mean, c’mon! If only he had the work ethic of Brian Scalabrine, he’d be first ballot by now.

It could happen. But I think Aldridge gives them a solid chance to at least get out of the first round. Especially against say the Clippers or the Grizzlies.

You and me both. I can only hope they choke. I don’t care when, but I just hope it happens.

Some good stuff here. I'd suggest Oatis by Ninkasi out of Eugene, Oregon. Damn good oatmeal stout. Also, even though it's now an inbev subsidiary, Elysian's Split Shot is pretty tasty.

I think this has gone so far off the crazy chart that in not even questioning it anymore. Like... I just don't even.

Goddamnit sir. Good show.

Man, that just really sucks. Great glue guy. Awesome in defense. Hopefully the rest of the team steps up to carry the load.

On a related point: holy hell does Westbrook have small ears! I've never just looked at a picture of his head before.

This just made my day. Polar bears are the best bears. Fact. I'd argue they are the best animals ever. I still turn into a child when I see them at a zoo.