
Being in Portland, surrounded by all the hipster/fans, I agree. Maybe it's just that the bros haven't infiltrated yet. They get to all be hip and cool now, but with popularity, that won't last. Then all these European wannabes will jump ship.

Even though it puts me on the much despised "hip" side of the fence, I love Wes Anderson's films. My wife and I still quote The Life Aquatic to each other all the damn time. And Fantastic Mr. Fox is easily one of my favorite films of all time. I don't know... even though it's definitely "precious," some aspect of it

Oh sweet tapdancing christ, thank you.

To her success. Sorry, I started a sentence and then failed to finish it.

Oooh, Newhart. That's a good comparison. Everybody loves Newhart!

Ellen is such an oddity. At first, her humor seems so vanilla and generic that it's just boring. But that makes her good jokes (of which there aren't too many) stand out more. She's sneaky funny. Still, not somebody I would want to watch do the whole thing, just the highlights the next day. For example: "Possibility

Well... no. Dude is definitely being a massive creep. Are you telling me that a random fanboy laced rant about cherishing the ground you walk on, to a person that you BARELY know wouldn't creep you the F out? He was definitely in the wrong, but... I just feel bad for him. You don't feel bad for the Abercrombie model

It's the logical conclusion to your scenario. The people won't just stop being assholes, they'll just go to places where they aren't seen as assholes. Which means they will all be in the same place. Apparently, that place is Arizona. Which is fine, nobody likes that state anyway. It'll just be a future of "Oh, he's

But there is a line, right? Like, being mean but not that mean?

See, I'm kind of with you. This guy is a creature to be pitied, not reviled (and then embarrassed on the internet). Also, though it's not her job to help him in any way, my response would have been nicer with pity and maybe some pointed advice about how to avoid being such a goddamn creeper.

Guys wait, he has a point. Let the free market reign. All of the people who want to discriminate against others will have to shop at these minority stores, and everybody else will hate them for it. Eventually, these stores will move to areas where they are supported instead of criticized. Using this freedom, assholes

You sir, are correct. I apologize. This was after the split from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Still, I'm going to count him as ethnically Dutch, if not nationally Dutch. He inherited their shitty treatment of Africans, anyway.

Well, if we are going with sheer numbers, what the English did to India and China, and what the Dutch did to Africans (King Leopold II, look it up, weep softly) would outweigh the others. The Germans were kinda latecomers to the mass atrocities party, and same with the Americans and Japanese. If you're going for

Lol, me too. My older brother refused to take a bath after seeing the slime scene in Ghostbusters 2. Vigo was nowhere near as scary as the slime.

I concur. He should have at least won his battle round. But the whole thing was such an abortion, I can see how it was overlooked.

Nice. My current team is on a 4 week tear. Hopefully we hit 6! Also, my favorite name so far was "Spirit Merkin"

So, what you are saying is that in America you make jokes, but in Russia jokes make you?

So, I assume she's still here in Portland (ain't nobody leaving this ice-rink) and it's been doing nothing but freezing rain on top of all of that snow for the last 16 hours. I hope she isn't running today.

This. Everybody is so focused on race that they are ignoring occupation. I expect all football players to be idiots. When they aren't, I'm surprised by their intelligence. When I express this, it's not tinged by the player's race, but by their occupation and career choices. Usually, somebody who spends hours on the

I loved that shit when I was a kid. It always left this funky film in your mouth though. WORTH IT.