
Very well written and informative article. Way to go man. Didn't take either side, but rationalized the entire thing. I hate the Lakers, but Kobe doesn't deserve to go out like this. I hope he makes a full recovery too, since I hate seeing players try a comeback when they can't physically do it. Even Kobe, who nobody

I like how all of the arguments here, like any Gawker article, are all about sexism. In reality: all of these characters look dumb. It's like trying to discern the logic in a hobo's rant: nobody wins or gains anything, and the hobo ends up getting the sweet, sweet attention he craves. The truly unbiased person looks

Actually, I think we are just splitting hairs here. How about this: do you agree instead of the entire 90's being awful that there was a period of about 10 years starting in about 95 where popular music just became awful? Because, besides a few albums I can recall, music wasn't great for that span (rap excluded). In

On a post about an awesome video game and it's music that many of us remember, you start the "conversation" by slamming the 90's. That's textbook trolling. Not on topic, just being contrary. As for your grunge argument, you sound awful snobbish there champ. What's remembered isn't actual production and release time,

No it didn't. Not entirely. It's not like people work on a timescale of decades. Things happen when they happen, crossing decades if need be. Nobody says "Oh shit! better stop what we are doing, it's the 90's now! Stop all that progress!" Also, seeing all the trouble you've been making on the boards today, somebody

Boy, it just got really stuffy in here, don't you think?

Yeah, I had that section relatively down, but it took FOREVER! Could they send more patriots? Chain spark and handcannon. It was, however, boring, and totally out of place for the rest of the game.

Well, this plays in to my theory. Since there are 2 extra movies they plan on making that aren't related to the trilogy (the remnants of the live action show that wasn't), I fully expected one of them to be about Boba Fett. Seems like the obvious moneymaker to me. Now I'm betting they want a tie-in game, and wanted to

You know, I was wondering about the violence as I played this. There are some areas where it really did shock me, like the melee. However, there are areas like the tied up and executed guards that really showed the hypocrisy and brutality of this seemingly perfect place, and I thought it was really poignant. What

Yeah, sorry man. I have to come to Ainge's defense. He's a prick, but he's from Eugene, so I have to. Pat Riley has literally NO ground to stand on. Whined on every team but the Lakers, and acts like he's hot shit when he got most of his championships on the backs of Magic and Kareem. Fuck, I could coach Magic and

Especially because he turned it around. If this were Latrell Sprewell, I probably wouldn't feel as bad. This guy just seemed unlucky; but at least he tried. Good on Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, and James Dolan.

It's right there. In section 3. Italicized. And it was more of an ensemble gig anyway, even though Carrell was the main character. He was in no way what made that movie funny.

Gods and Kings has some awesome stuff to it. So far, my favorite new civ is Austria. You can pay to convert City-States to you! And it's not even very expensive. Great way to expand rapidly to new continents.

Awesome! I'm excited about them making Cultural Victory a deeper experience, because it's my go-to victory. However, from the way I'm understanding "influence," that's totally gonna wreck my strategy of expanding early, putting up solid borders, and fostering culture like mad in the interior.

Bravo, good sir. That is indeed a legitimate question. More like 75% though.

You sure you weren't thinking of here?

Don't listen to those fools. The whole "splitting hairs" thing is the base of the whole "what is pirating" argument. Just throwing them all under "Downloading is piracy" pile is a strawman argument. Not choosing to delve in to the details is willfully ignoring the argument to ride a moral high-horse.