Haha, nice.
Haha, nice.
Then you will love this. :)
As a huge fan, I'll look past my bias..
I was at the midnight release! :D
Wife was wearing a thrown together Miku outfit/teal wig..
.. and boy did we have a good time. :)
Sure threw the Madden guys for a loop. lol
As a fellow outcast early on in life.. a lot of things really resonated with me too.
Especially, her negativity towards people who have the things she wants.
Bittersweet memories, along with this style of humor.. is actually pretty good.
I can't say it any better than you already have sir, so I leave it at that. :)
I've done this countless times. With Skullcandy buds.. S4A II's.. etc..
I just rooted/rom'd my Rezound to cyanogenmod 10.1..
I still hope the PSN will be great, but who knows.
Either way, I have no regret...
It's just time to be movin' on.
Yep! Same here.
Sony definitely seems to be the greener pasture, I hope it's easy to adjust.
Being new to the whole PSN thing is a little intimidating.
.. but it's about the games, so I'm sure it'll work out.
Ya.. all this Xbox news doesn't sound good to me..
I'm thinking about jumping ship, and heading to Sony.
I'm in the same boat with 3 360's...
I'm kinda nervous about going Sony this time...
...but the more stuff that Xbox announces...
... the less and less I care to stay with them..
That sucks.. me, my bro, and my wife all have our own 360's..
At least the 3+ months of gold will get us by until next gen.. (ps4)
It's almost like Xbox wants me to let it go.. and let it become merely a fond memory... :/
Wait... what?! When did this happen?
Come on guys!
Don't make me be the one Dragon this out! :P
I see the problem...
That bare chest is on a totally different...
Still.. it's a pretty figure...
I'll wait to see what optional pieces come with this. :)
I wish GSmile, or Alter.. or anybody would make a great figure of FE:A Marth without the mask and such.. It would be great, and my money would fly out of my wallet so fast...
I'm still hopeful..
Exactly what I'm thinking.
So.. the smart phone scene has really quieted down.. hasn't it?
I don't seem to hear or see much of anything anymore.
Must've finally hit that plateau. :/
Lame.. I kinda liked watching all the cutthroat advancing in mobile tech.
Ya! Rewrite is awesome!
I finished it up a couple weeks ago.. and it was great. :)
I think Little Busters Refrain might be the better story though.
It's really close either way.
Ya! It's cool they are reviewing these. :)
I've always been a fan of KEY's works..
but I haven't really branched out from them too much.
I loved Himawari no Shoujo, Da Capo, and a few others..
After finishing Rewrite (great game btw) I was looking for a new VN..
I really love the stories, and the depth of feelings they offer.
I'll be trying this out soon, thanks for the review! :)