
If it's too far away we could always.. take the..

If they sold these,

You win. I lol'd..

Yep. Same here chozo. They may overuse a lot of their IP's.. but it's hard to deny just how much fun they all are to play. :)

I'm not sure.. Of the 3 next gen.. I think...

I was a Nintendo gamer since the NES.. but I remember the Playstation release well. It was the console that had all the cool RPG's that I'd never get to play again. (I was young, and my family wasn't exactly rich.. haha) When I heard Square was going away, I'm pretty sure I died inside.

You should! If you have something worthwhile to do it to.

Good to know. :) I was curious if there was a choice, or just any S-rank-up would result in marriage.. Thank you for the heads up! :)

Ya, it really didn't help clear up much of anything.. I wonder if we'll ever know for sure.

I think it's cool. I love cosplay, and people who have fun with it, and will go out of their way to look good. Though like everything.. there is definitely a "within reason" that can be implied. Just because you can... doesn't mean you always should... or expect that you will be loved for it.. You know?

I'm already at max hype.. now you're just killing me! :)

Wow... Though, nothing new.

I feel your pain. I hate that too... though you must be a better person, because in the end I was just very careful to lose as few as possible... :'( Poor little guys...

I would like to read it. :)

Not usually... There were the lawless zones though.

I'm sure you will regret it. haha..

I've never heard that.. true or not.. I now had part of my childhood squished.. :( Thanks?

Hey.. I can still dream. :)