
I have to agree with this article, as I've been a F2P snob, but simply put...there is not sufficient interest in the monthly sub model to see this work. A few years ago it was estimated that Blizzard had made billions on an operating cost of $200 million...so the monthly sub market worked well for them, but doing

But you hear developers like Gabe raving about the iOS...lol...right.

Me likeee the new update!

Errr...first...and WHY?

Lots of JRPGs...yuk!

I'll bet that LP2 on the 360 outsell the PS3 by a LARGER margin!

@NoBullet: M$ would probably not allow it...lol.

@deanbmmv: Of you could just get a fukking elite..which is what M$ wanted people to do...PS3 not hackable...lol

BEST INFO to blow the moneyhatte debate out of he water...M$ provides support, whereas Sony is like fukk you...do it yourself...wtf!

WTF? What is the context of his statement...why does this smell like foxnews?

Goo article...the funny thing is console gaming probably has one of the most diverse demographics of social medians around the world.

@Frologic: Funny...the control scheme was dumb to me, so I paased on the game. But yeah...I would have been a little annoyed by the Sheva outfit...because how is it in context of the game?

Oooooh...that's alot of demos in the next week on XBL hopefully!

ZzzzzZzzzz...These guys just turn me off with the predictable characters.

This is just wrong!

ROFLOL...OMG...as someone actually living on Guam...this is too funny! Hey's an okay guy I guess...he makes his campiagn round at the local night spots, pandering for votes and support too.

LOL...Xbox is a US product...otherwise, it would be an international incident!

I'' probably check this out...but Star Trek looks to have some unique things instead of beign a WoW clone. This looks like WoW...not that it's bad...since WoW copied some ideas from others as well.

LOL...the avatars can generate some much hatred...some people are really clowns.