Yeah it really sucks to find out that your attitude toward a suffering cat is the same at the attitude of misogynists toward suffering women.
Yeah it really sucks to find out that your attitude toward a suffering cat is the same at the attitude of misogynists toward suffering women.
Eat (cat) shit and die, cat hater.
Or, you know, go fuck yourself.
Are you seriously victim blaming a kitten?
That makes you a totes shitty cat owner because panting (esp. in kittens) is a sign of distress.
Gurlfren, don't you worry about a thing. One day you will get your groove back, and your sense of humor will totally be ON FIRE!
I continue to be amused at the speculation game surrounding videos like this. Some people are suspicious. Some people are utterly convinced.
There seriously needs to be a "[ ] Filter comments from people who comment a lot on Gawker" checkbox.
Zimmerman will take the OJ route. Now that the first trial is over, all of his bullshit is being exposed, starting with his soon to be ex-wife.
I ... I am ok with my gender getting objectified like this. Is that wrong?
I want to be that happy. I really, really do.
Thank you, Grandpa, for being a child molester. And, thank you, Grandma, for making me live with you and Grandpa until I was 5 years old. Yes, I know you were trying to keep me away from my admittedly awful mother, but I think you kind of lost it when you announced you were going to send me to a military academy. Oh,…
This does not offer much insight.
How does hate-sex work? I've heard of it, and sometimes I enjoy taking charge in the bedroom (despite the sexist connotations of the term, you know what I mean), but I don't think I've ever actually had true hate-sex.
So close!
You have no idea how bad I want ice cream right now.
The camera adds 10 pounds.
I'm actually making excuses to not date, because holy fuck.
Cartoons rock and if you don't love cartoons then you're some kind of weirdo demented communist freakazoid devil worshiper. With misshapen balls.