
"I don't have power over anyone."

So you get to enjoy a position of power and privilege over others, and you cannot be bothered to care that you abuse that position.

Just because you don't find it offensive doesn't mean it isn't worthy of offense. Your POV isn't the end all be all of reality. Sometimes your view is wrong, even if you've held that view your entire life.

Paula will file for divorce in under 12 months. Mark your calendars.

I really love all the fat shaming going on in the comments.

Are you sad you're not successful?

I'm really fucking tired of all the Mayer bashing going on. FUCK. ALL. OF. YOU.

Only to lazy morons.

You sound like an artsy creative type. That's cool, so am I.

Somebody got abused by mommy as a child.

Scarlett, you fiance needs to smile more so he doesn't look like a serial killer in waiting.



When I found out the man who sexually abused me as a child never went to prison, died in relative peace and privcy, and was even honored for a time by my own mother, I went "Fuck. Yes."

People survive natural disasters and disease.

I'm sorry, but open marriages are bullshit.

From Huffington Post:

God I want my ex to read this.


So if he turned out to be shitty in bed, you'd still be all, "money well spent."