
Suppose I should’ve made a greater distinction about engineering vs. non. I would say 90 percent of the people asking me this question are not engineers. For engineers asking, I agree with your remarks.

I figured it would just kind of surface once it gets to the coast.

Jon Stewart always gave me a way to work through the anger and frustration and ridiculousness and wrongdoings of politics and people. Whatever awful thing had happened, you could watch him and even though the problem didn't get better, you at least could work through it and just go "Ya, somebody fucking gets it." And

same place we get terrible wheels, Indonesia.

Toyota and the small/mid segment are almost synonymous. Toyota has a long legacy of strong vehicles in this small/utility segment of the domestic market going back to the mid-sixties. Now the early days it was with the LandCruiser models - 40's and 55's before really morphing into a full fledged SUV with the 80's,

All I could think of was this

Stage TEN and lightweight windows.

And it's good for the environment!

If you guys wanted to write a love letter to the Colorado, you could have just done that.

100x this! While very interesting to follow along with your year long adventure driving the 360, it didn't seem to have hardly any real personality which surprised me. Vintage cars on the other hand are all about personality. Personality drives interest. Interest drives page views and well just makes things


Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.

All it takes is one unhinged person to kill someone. That her home address was published makes it materially easier for that to happen, which was the intent of publishing it — to terrorize women into keeping silent through threats of violence towards them. "We know where you live," it says. Can you tell the

There's something to be said about not hanging out too much together. I like to work on cars and have other hobbies. She has her hobbies. She'll help me bleed the brakes if I ask. I'll put up new fences for her chickens but, other than that we do our own thing. I see no reason to try to make my wife do something

Gamergate, first coined by actor Adam Baldwin, is an amorphous campaign that is ostensibly about ethics in video game journalism and defending the "gamer" identity but has come under fire for its links to a wave of harassment, particularly of women, in gaming.

If they want to ignore them, that's fine. It's for everyone else reading who would think they were right if no other facts were presented.

"Misogyny isn't a problem, and you all have lady parts for thinking so!"

She isn't saying that you should give up your team or loving your team. She's saying that you should recognize that supporting your team (and through them the NFL) while being disgusted at the way the NFL handled the situation makes you a hypocrite. She doesn't say "bad person". She says "hypocrite".