
As an electrical engineer I am both offended by someone who hasn't figured out how to change their avatar from stock calling me "son" and saying I don't know about the proper application of engineering principals.

Here's my issue with mods: The manufacturer poured decades worth of knowledge and millions of dollars worth of resources and infrastructure into a product that meets or exceeds their quality and performance demands. They extensively tested it in the real world to determine how their product would hold up, not just

I kinda like this. I have been reading a Beetle history book from the 1980s and it had some pictures of the original Volkswagen when it was built using the Kubelwagen chassis, which raised the ground clearance considerably and had 4 wheel drive. Would be cool to have one of those things, like a Baja bug with 4wd.

An attempt crime "merges" into the underlying offense if the elements for that offense are completed, so you can be convicted for example of either robbery or attempted robbery, but not both. Here, since Ward has died, there would not be an attempt charge, so that narrows the possible charges down. The relevant law

So they can get within inches of other cars on track at full speed but cannot see a pedestrian and course workers at caution speed? Sorry I don't buy it. Especially in an age where Tony pretty much created the culture of getting out of your car and approaching the other driver, he had to know this was coming.

People die from cars - a lot. Speeders should go to jail well before we send weed users/dealers. Of course, our legal system isn't based on science or even logic.

I rather like its weird face, but I'm sure looks is part of that equation.

There's actually a reason these are undesirable, but I can't remember what it is. Something about being made in Taiwan (seriously) and/or having thinner sheet metal or something.

FJ55's are one of the few Land Cruisers that haven't jumped in value, and I really don't understand why not, they are somewhat rare compared to the others.

Yes it is. NP all day.

You're no allowed to be an asshole if you drive a movie car that can do time travel. DennyCrane:

A few summers ago, my brothers and I were riding mountain bikes on a red dirt logging road through the woods at

The only real dose of WTF? on this that I see is that god awful "shotgun hood scoop.'' The teak bed is not bad but really what is up with that fucking scoop?

Patrick, this is an example of a training and development slide known as "effective communications" that every company worth it's sault will require of it's employees. I do the same training every year. To a certain respect, yes it is a company trying to protect itself from bad press and lawsuits. But it is also

This is exactly what they were getting at. As an engineer in the automotive world, I can assure people that we don't tell people to not talk about problems, we just ask for a description of the issue instead of just "this is shit."

Look, my issue here is not that Nintendo won't add gay marriage to the game—it's unrealistic to expect them to change a game that's been out for a year in Japan just because some fans are asking. It's also not realistic to expect a Japanese company to be as progressive about gay rights as we have been in the United