
If you’re at a bar that doesn’t offer Guinness Stout on tap, you’re at the wrong bar. If you’re not drinking it, you’re out on the wrong night.

I learned about telephone pole numbers decades ago when my car spun out on a soft shoulder (no limited slip diff, much less traction control) and hit one. AT&T used the number to specify which pole my insurance company had to replace.

Forget it. You can’t accurately predict the next Google, we can’t accurately predict the next Google, even experts can’t accurately predict the next Google. That’s why the only sane thing is to invest not in individual stocks but in ETFs or mutual funds.

Hiking and camping are great but nature can be more accessible. Drive to a park in your area, leave your phone in the car, go sit on a bench, and watch nature. If you want to be adventurous, bring some seeds to scatter for the birds and squirrels.

Think of it this way - you spent billions of years of non-existence before you were born and you’ll have billions of years of non-existence after you die. You weren’t affected by the first and you won’t notice the latter. There is no gah, there is only now.

Or take a phone and spare batteries so you won’t get lost.

We’ve moved beyond manual brakes and manual steering, it’s time to move beyond manual clutches. Dual synchronous gear boxes allow faster and more efficient shifts than manual clutches and can be automated with a range of drive modes from launch control to hyper driving. And I speak as one who has owned cars with one

If you want a cheap but far more effective lens case, buy a sheet of closed cell 1/4" polyurethane foam. Cut a piece the length of the lens by slightly more than the circumference of the lens. Seal it with duct tape. Then cut two circles of foam for the ends. Seal one completely with duct tape and the other with a

If you want to make a real difference, open a brokerage account for your child. Put the money in a low/no fee and low cost ETF or mutual fund that tracks the broad market. Three things to note. First, you may need to have a chunk of money to meet the minimum requirements for an account. Second, while it would be nice,

First, if you’ve been working for a couple of years and have never gotten an annual statement, you should do this now. Your address may be incorrect or your account may be compromised.

I live outside of Washington, DC whose core was planned before it was built. Almost all the N/S and E/W roads are termed Streets (N/S are numbered, E/W are lettered) and the diagonal roads are termed Avenues. If you are visiting a city or town, it’s best to Google if there’s a rhyme or reason to road naming.

First, hearing him talk was useless (he provided no real insight) and annoying. While I can believe that the new ‘Stig’ cannot have a four letter name or one beginning with S or ending in G or be dressed in monochrome or maybe even be anonymous, it is apparent that he is allowed to be silent since the Belgian driver

It’s tempting to blame this on the Alt-right isms that provided Trump with a base but that doesn’t explain the late movement of undecideds and soft Clinton support to Trump. I think, for them, it was a choice between same-old-same-old and change; and they decided the political system needed change. In four years, if

One un-Assassin’s Creed thing to note is that you get a better sense from the perimeter of a city. The Washington Monument has a great view of DC but it’s hard to assimilate and you get a better sense of the city from the National Cathedral to the northwest or various high rises in Rosslyn to the southwest.

On stock Android my 5X has it under Settings - Languages and input - Text to speech output - then the gear symbol. You can also choose male or female and accent (I have an expressive Englishwoman talking to me).

For distance workouts (e.g. running, cycling, etc.) beer is also a good in workout drink. It provides one of the quickest boosts to calories and carbs and its diuretic properties kick in much later (in addition to being overblown).

Just be aware that it’s illegal to scatter ashes on a beach, not because of the funeral industry but because of the Clean Water Act. But since you’ll be dead you’ll probably avoid jail time. A bigger problem is that wind tends to blow in from the sea in the morning; sunset might be a better time.

It depends on your state laws. In many states you are required to embalm the corpse, whether it’s going to be buried or cremated. You may also be required to purchase a coffin. And if you want the ashes back, you’re on the hook for an urn. Plus, scattering the ashes may be illegal so there’s the cost of a niche in a

I know what will happen to me - I’ll become a medical school cadaver. I would urge people to seriously consider this, especially if you have a state sponsored program (like my state does). Help train the next generation of doctors.

Flip flops? No. Just no.