
One thing to be careful of - while password protection works great on the PC version, password protected notebooks are not accessible on the Android version (unless something has changed in thhe last few months). This is an issue that was raised almost immediately after the Android version was released and has never

Another reason to buy a UPS is for extended outages. It can be used with any charger to charge mobile devices or to keep a light working.

Another reason to buy a UPS is for extended outages. It can be used with any charger to charge mobile devices or to

BUT individual stocks don't make sense for individual investors. Buy mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs) that track an index in the sector(s) you are interested in. Start with the S&P500. Diversify as you see fit. Do it now (and don't worry if tomorrow you have made money or lost money). Do it with all your

Panic buttons (i.e. stop loss orders) make sense for individual stocks.

For an apocalypse situation, you also need a real fallout shelter, underground water and gasoline tanks, and a shotgun with a lot of shells. Me, I’ll be content to drink up my good scotch and blow my head off.

It’s not so much that your house is an investment, it’s that your land is an investment. This is why real estate is all about “location, location, location.” After 20 years, my house is worth less than I paid for the house and land but the land is still in a good neighborhood: half a block from an elementary school, a

Costume mode don’t do much for me and I’m happy with what the game provides. Among my three love interests, I’ve got Piper in full synth armor and her bra and panties, Curie is sporting armored summer shorts, and I couldn’t bring myself to change Cait’s outfit.

While I understand that you’re trying to be kind I question whether “serious digital artists” can get by with browser and mobile apps as opposed to something like Adobe’s Creative Suite which needs a desktop OS.

When it comes to securing your possessions, you should probably go professional with a safe or lock box that can be bolted to the floor. Even a cheap one will give you more protection than these MacGyver ideas.

“be able to survive digestion and possibly colonize your gut to work their digestion magic.”

Two notes. One to go with the headline - no index has ever gone bankrupt. Major manufacturers like GM have, also telcos (WorldCom), energy companies (Enron), and, of course, banks. Bankruptcy means you lose everything. But even the biggest crashes don’t leave your index fund at $0.00.

First, a note on liquidity. Wile an IRA or similar account has restricted liquidity, a regular brokerage account does not - you can get your money out whenever you need it. Consider investing your emergency fund (conservatively, with stop loss orders if it’s in securities) rather than parking it in a bank.

Just defend your counters with cucumbers.

These are first shelf alcohols appropriate for serving straight up, on the rocks, or with water, vermouth, or bitters. If you and your guests are going to drink that sort of thing, these are good.

You might want to wait until the weekend. A number of reports say the "Fall Release" a.k.a. "Threshold 2" will be released on Thursday the 12th. I'd wait for the weekend to avoid the server crunch.

This seems like a tip for people who don’t understand painting, paint, or glass. When you are painting a window frame, you paint the edge of the window as well. When the paint has thoroughly dried, you use an aptly named Window Scraper to scrape the paint off the glass. Here’s one that looks just like the kind my dad

Fingerless gloves are a fashion statement, not something to keep you warm so the heart applique is required. If you actually need bare fingers at times, get mittens with a top that flips back. If you need cell phone response (other than the fingerprint sensor), get gloves or glove addons designed to work with

These are good suggestions for not getting into debt which is, indeed, the first step towards a secure financial future.

Really. What’s next? How to eat an orange (“first, remove the peel ...”)?