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First, ceramic shards (a.k.a. ninja rocks) are considered burglary tools and are illegal to carry in several states. Second, this probably isn't going to work from inside because you can't throw with sufficient force. Third, if you're outside of the car and could get a spark plug out of the engine you've just disabled

Then why are you here?

Bank vehicles - savings accounts, money market accounts, CDs, whatever - are crap. If you have credit card debt that you don't pay off every month (and you shouldn't) pay that off along with car loans but keep your mortgage (you have refinanced, haven't you?).

Student loans, definitely. For cars it depends on what you can live with although a 2 or 3 year upgrade cycle is unwise.

Keep in mind that this is based on all sorts of assumptions that go decades into the future. That said, they are probably as likely as assumptions made by financial analysts that you would have to pay big money for.

I second the UPS recommendation. While a surge protector is nice if your house is subject to surges in decades (literally) I haven't had any trip. On the other hand, a UPS that runs incoming power through its battery protects against the far more common minor surges and brownouts by conditioning the output power.

Another easy exercise - stand on one foot while brushing your teeth, alternating the foot you balance on in line with your tooth brushing routine.

For an anti-static comb, metal combs also work and are basically indestructible but hard to find. However, pet stores carry them for pet grooming.

Lasers. Frankly my household, including my high school kids, rarely prints anything. Because of this, the inkjet I bought 5 or 6 years ago to replace my HP Laserjet kept drying out. I went back to laser and I'll never go back. It's cheaper and toner lasts forever.

There is no way to tie a half-Windsor and make it look sharp because it is fundamentally imbalanced. Use a Windsor knot and get a longer tie if you don't have enough fabric.

Make sure you know what you mean by "emergency". I would define emergency as "you're fired". Your emergency fund should cover your next month's mortgage/rent, car payment(s), minimum credit card payments, and utilities. Everything else can generally be paid for on credit while you are getting your affairs in order.

I suspect buying this game will get you put on a list at the security agency that shall not be named. Of course, clicking on this article may have already done that.

Enough with the pretend spycraft. If you want to keep something safe, buy a safe and bolt it down. If you want it safer, rent a safety deposit box.

One other thing that "goes bad" and can be fixed by mere mortals is the USB port. The most common problem is that gunk accumulates inside the female port on the phone. Fortunately, LifeHacker already covered this:

As far as toilet paper, better to use rolled up newspaper in a pot.

One note on oatmeal - it doesn't have to go the sugar and fruit route. Try it with a little butter, salt, and pepper. Treat it like cooked rice or mashed potatoes.

Also, if you live in or near a city, other libraries in the area may have reciprocity with your local library and you can access their ebook collections.

Great advice, especially about size, clarity, and color. A well cut .98 carat, SI, H will be indistinguishable from a 1 carat, FL, D unless you keep the price tag attached when your wife is wearing it.

It depends on what you want to see and how much of it you want to read. iGoogle used to be great for this but Google killed the service. You can still customize a news page on news.yahoo.com or, if you just want headlines and snippets, news.google.com can be tailored to your interests. There are also news services