
Agreed. It could be a real winner with a few additional tweaks to the levels.

Do NOT light her farts.

I've seen it too.

Burnt pie is not very zen.

Body Shops: "WOOOOOOOOO!!!"

I would bet Giz has some control of the ads that come up. It's likely that they approve a selection of ads the ad company can use. And yes, I know Samsung isn't writing Giz a check, but money from Samsung does make its way into Gawker accounts, just through a few middlemen.

This article loaded up with two Galaxy Note ads. I'm actually glad to see Giz has no problem bashing a product that has funded them.

It's like they say in golf: 100% of short puts don't go in the hole.

Oh I have no doubt she has intimate knowledge of the track and can imagine herself driving it quite well, but I don't think that necessarily translates to being able to draw it well. Very different skills.

Honestly this speaks more to her drawing skill than her racing skill. I'm sure everyone has something that they're intimately familiar with, like their house/apartment. Try drawing the floor plan blindfolded. You'll probably be way off.

He basically said that. Use a honing steel if/when you can, so you're not wearing down your knives sharpening them all the time.

The real question is: Does she have a driver's license?

It hurts my soul to see that poor camera sitting around with the mirror exposed like that. Put a lens on it!

United was the launch customer on the 777 back in 1995, and I believe they have not purchased any new 777s since.

There are definitely no "extra" 777s on hand, and additionally, Boeing does not build the Lavs, they just install them. Many interior parts, such as Lavs and Galleys are built by companies such as Jamco. [www.jamcoamerica.com]

Yeah yeah I know. They're not flying with 1955 equipment, just 1955 airframes. But I'd assume the Caribou has been modernized a bit as well.

It almost looked like he was going to kiss the ground and get away with it. I guess his tail rotor disagreed.

Unfortunately, the Caribou is hardly "ancient" by comparison to other active aircraft, such as the B-52, which is 9 years its senior.

Honestly looks a lot more like this dude...

Come and have a ball!