
If their wheels were over 20kg each before they had a big problem.

So if you don't allow gay couples to marry you're essentially giving them a shorter life span?

Somehow, though there are no motors involved, #8 might be my favorite.

HEY. I think the great state of Montana was voted as the #1 driving state by this very site. Be nice.

I have to imagine if you did this poorly or with a dull knife, you'd end up with egg shards smeared through the cut. No?

Chewing sunflower seeds works super well for me. Just having a little task to focus on makes a huge difference.

If you're not cheating a little you're not trying hard enough.

Have any of the OSX upgrades been really revolutionary? They're yearly - they're incremental. The biggest single change I can think of was 10.4 adding Intel support, and that was purely under the hood. Otherwise it has been little things - expose, dashboard, spaces, time machine, incremental upgrades to

I've never believed the whole "An engine that revs so fast they couldn't use an analog tach" nonsense. What was the limiting factor there? Maybe they couldn't use a stock tach, but it's not like it's impossible to make a needle move that quickly. Start a new Audi - their needles go from left to right and back in about


I would love to see a measure of the increased traffic on all these roads in the next few weeks. Stay safe all.

Hot. Damn.

Yeah, like a worse version of those from the Acura TL.

The level of brickitude is increasing in everything around us. All our devices are becoming more integrated and complex, therefore brickitude rising.

Probably because they don't want to look like they're going backwards. And to differentiate models. For example - the 2006 3 Series would have had a 330i and a 330i, but with different outputs. The 2007-2011 3 Series would have had a 330i and a [330...ti] and eventually a 330d. Then for 2012 they would have a 320ti

False. Many of the Ivys, for example, have crazy need-based financial aide. One does not have to "afford" $40k a year. Yes, there are a handful of wealthy legacy students, but they are nowhere near the majority.

If you never change or add to the oil in an internal combustion engine you can brick that too. And warranty and insurance won't cover it either. Granted, takes a bit more than just letting the vehicle sit for 11 weeks, but this is just a paradigm shift. We don't complain about having to pay money to keep our engines

I would like a cup of vaporized water-heated cow's milk combined with two 1.5 ounce portions of pressure-brewed ground roasted coffee beans.