
Or 'power coffee.' There are many names for this.

Let's keep in mind that Apple has a boat load of patents, and just because they are patenting new technologies doesn't mean they intend on ever using them.

It would be fantastic if these resources were put towards waterproofing phones instead of monitoring whether the phone has been dunked. And that goes to all the phone manufacturers who are putting liquid damage indicators on their phones, not just Apple.

Well, to reiterate the comments above:

Stealth. Which is ruined when the wing hardpoints are used like above.

Just to help everyone grasp how heavy commercial airliners are:

At this point, the point is to not sign up at this point. But the point depends on the point of whether path has made a point of patching the issue, at this point. FIFY.

Today we're looking at the days of the week instead of the numbers. Note "Thu," "Fri," and "Sat".

That's pretty cheap by B&W standards.

Yeah, but when you have a 9500-mile range you can be a little more creative.

As do the Golf and Jetta, for that matter.

So an A3 with the same motor gets 30/42mpg - what gives?

This reminds me a little of the South Park where they find out the cure for AIDs is injecting yourself with puréed cash, and they go tell poverty-stricken people in Africa the "great news!"

It's cheaper to fix the 3 series than it is to put gas in an M5.

Wetness is the essence of beauty.

So France is going all Minority Report on Google?

Hah, I didn't read that 5 were real and 5 were fake, and on #1 got verrrry confused.

There might actually be enough paint on the average wire stripper to keep the two sides insulated from each other. Hmmmmm.

Hey, Amazon's earnings just didn't meet expectations, go easy on them.

I would love to see how they would spend $100M on a damping system, whether it be passive or active. That seems a bit extreme.