
Nah, it was just nearly synced up with the framerate of the camera.

Also known as "Custard Cups". $3 a piece is even a bit spendy for them.

I actually remember an incident growing up where this exact thing happened, but it was a jet ski trying to spray someone on a tube, and the person on the tube was killed.

Please refer to #2 from the actual list.

Have you ever seen the Boeing concept? Just be glad Lockheed won the contract.

Paint and small panes of glass are pretty damn cheap, but yes my numbers were, as I said, "excluding overhead."

Not too bad really considering Mexico's median household income is around $5000, which means (excluding overhead) selling around three per day to match that number.

four-yearly inspection != four yearly inspections

Whatever, they were just filling their tanks up. That's more or less how many firefighting aircraft do it too.

Alternatively, you can use your smartphone instead of work computer to grab the torrent file. Super slick.

Fun trick (which you may already know). Have your torrent software at home watch a dropbox folder for new torrents. Drop the TG torrent file in the folder from work, and boom, your home computer starts the download.

...that we can watch in 3D!

Your weekly Gizmodo anti F-22 post.

We should probably stop thinking that sharks are psycho killers that have the singular objective of devouring humans. That is an idea that was created by the movie Jaws, and is totally false.

Could be worse.

Ala Siri Sight.

Like so many things, this works until everyone starts doing it. Someone needs to do the avoiding.

The gigantic video display seems super tasteless compared to Apple's typical minimalism.

Completely different aircraft with completely different purposes. Perhaps army snipers should use M-16s like the infantry, instead of specialized long-range rifles. Just think of the cost savings!