
In this context, that shot of the kids + half the car is hilarious.

Looks awesome. No brakes is definitely the way to go, never looked like he was approaching any sort of dangerous speeds (very easy to say from in front of a monitor).

The F-22 was conceived to ensure air superiority. The enemy at the time was the Soviet Union, but that's doesn't mean they were the last possible threat to our air superiority. There were a ton of weapons developed in WWII conceived at the time to specifically fight the axis powers. Once they were gone, we didn't just

I dunno, I've never used an airbag, so why is it essential?

Sorry, let me rephrase. "Just because you're not in a war that utilizes a certain technology doesn't mean that technology shouldn't be funded."

So you're saying that if you're not in a war, you shouldn't spend money on military technology? Just let it all rot until you actually need it? Uh, okay, good luck. That's like saying I'm not currently in a head on collision, so why do I have airbags in my car right now? I'll update my car when I need to, immediately

$200+ iPod integration, which amounts to nothing more than a proprietary adapter cable that interfaces with software that's already built in.

Richard Hammond.

Wow. So long Toyota. Anyone know of a good way to invest in Hyundai? Do I really have to deal with foreign markets?

I'm going to actually say that flavors generally meld and improve, but textures converge to mush, and a bad texture can be really off-putting.

Twice the blades does not equal twice the cutting power. That would take twice the motors.

To them it's actually not very different from landing on a static target. It's all about reference frames. Let's say the wind is from the West at 10mph and the hawk is landing on a target that's traveling North at 10mph. To the hawk, this is exactly like landing on a static target with wind from the NW at about 14mph.

This post needs more video. Both of successful and failed off-roadings.

HAH. This is exactly like the episode of 30 Rock where Jack discovers GE has made a talking microwave that uses his voice, taken from recordings he made many years before in college. Unreal.

Sounds like they just needed your sockets and felt bad, so left you a radar detector as a trade?

I may be an exception, but I actually DID receive an email from the system, though it was via "Cambridge E-Line".

Graphs! I need graphs! Don't make me read and compare numbers.

Agreed. I can speak from experience and say they just get spit right out the back.

Anybody here play America's Army back in the day? Where they'd autocorrect "camper" to "tactician" and "camping" to "using tactics" in in-game chat? Good times.

The aircraft will sink into the water, incurring WAY more drag then just skidding along pavement. This means there will be rapid deceleration (not good), and if one engine gets grabbed by the water before the other, the aircraft will spin (also not good).