
Oh noez, MS Word does it too!

That'll make for an expensive windshield replacement.

I really think this could be the perfect mix of Subaru utility and German refinement. Want.

Are you counting the Russians as allied? They were pretty nasty when Germany was invaded.

Oh and I forgot to mention, the only seats they install are la-z-boys.

Other, non-monetary improvements include lower altitude equivalent pressurization, higher humidity, much larger windows, better overhead storage, and quieter operation. I really want to fly on one and never fly on anything else again.

Heath Bar Blizzard.

Check it.

Yes yes yes. If anyone here hasn't seen his film, watch it immediately.

Small particle size does not good powder make. You need low density - which light, fluffy snow accomplishes by being mostly air. Skiing on talcum powder would no doubt be interesting, but not at all like skiing in deep powder.

Yeah I assumed as much. Just like Harry Potter and the "Philosopher's" Stone was dumbed down for us in the US.

I didn't know that Snowie was called Milou outside the US.

Just do what the Volt and Leaf do - only let the battery operate in part of its full capacity. Take that to the extreme, let a normal cell phone battery only get down to 95% before calling it "empty", and BOOM, 10-minute recharges. Endurance? Psh. Who needs that?

People are funny. Contract price will likely the same, so we're really talking more like $2000 vs $2100. Spending a lot regardless.

This. Thank you, saved me the time of writing it myself.

Those two outlets are very close together. Better hope both people have corded ac adapters.

I want this for my car. But I don't $450 want this for my car.