
It seems that way. But first we have to fully understand how all parts of the brain work and how the neurons are linked and how they receive feedback from the rest of the body. I know we've come a long way, but we're not completely there. Exciting stuff.

Except for the director of the human genome project. Somehow.

*purr* havoc.

I feel like the "make your rough skin feel like the carcasses of burnt alligators" might be a major turnoff. Also - workout clothes made of this material smell bad, fast. Skeptical.

Seriously. How many different shades of grey can they combine into one machine?

Does it run all the time in the background?

I can't imagine what his driving looked like before they pulled him over...

If it was trying to rip your leg off, you might.

V6 + Front Wheel Drive? Jeeeezus.

Graphics card now removable. Small but noteworthy.

Quick, somebody cancel the shuttle program!

Right with you on both accounts. I would love the option to leave this on (though I'm sure there's an app somewhere that will do it as well). Attached: my map.

To quote the article: "smartphones shouldn't cost more than $200—$250 max".

I'm pretty sure I paid $300 for my iPhone with a 2 year contract...

And have said torrents save to a dropbox folder, so you can access your torrented files from the device as well. Booya.

It'd be interesting to see if, with drag included, there is a speed that would bring it back to its origin. I guess it comes down to which is greater - that speed or escape velocity.

Mmmm so then at mach 25 it's in really, really low earth orbit?

Ala Aladdin when Jaffar launches him into Siberia or wherever.