
Is that... Dexter?

They do it in CSI, what can't I????


Hey, I'm not saying nuclear power is bad. I'm not saying we shouldn't use it here in the US. This article just helps us relate to what people in Japan are experiencing. Regardless of the chances of an accident or meltdown, one IS happing in Japan right now.

Great article Jesus, thank you. Helps put Fukushima into context.


Both. You could totally have section go up and over your house. Maybe even through.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that has been going on for a while now...

That's the whole idea, then? Create magical products that people will try to steal, get them killed doing so, and take their livers?

Someone needs to refine this by filtering out users who didn't have a choice (work PCs). Goodbye IE.

Picture through the drink-hole before the can was ripped apart or it didn't happen.

We'd already spent that $400 mil when we bought the weapons in the first place - it's sunk cost. Like another poster said, those missiles and aircraft are on a replacement cycle, and their replacements were already on order, regardless of whether they were used or not.

Eh, I don't think price is the issue at all. Integrating an SD reader would be negligible - they're selling the dongle for $40 because they can. I think it's more about keeping the design clean. What would be really awesome is if they could hide an SD reader up inside the dock connector. Win win.

"Fewer" is a bit more proper here.

Dang, I was really hoping they'd be drifting the Grand Cherokee and Dakota from the beginning.

Doesn't work so well if you're over 5'10 and don't have a California King. Pretty hard to keep sheets tucked in permanently when your feet are at the very end of the bed.

Boo, my dreams of having an iPhone-based LAN party are crushed.

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. AT&T's data rates sure are a mess right now. I can't wait for someone to come out with an "unlimited for all your devices plan". I'm sure that'll happen... never.

Well done good sir.