
Daddy drinks because you cry.

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This old parody just became far more relevant. Go to :40 if you're impatient.

Lowered 1mm in the rear? Okay...

Teeth (about 5 on the mohs scale) are harder than gold (2.5-3)...

The camera mounted on the Porche was obviously the problem. Too much drag.

M5 matches up against the RS6, but yeah, M6 vs R8 doesn't really work out for BMW.

They're not photographs, they're closer to paintings. You don't seen anyone complaining about how neoclassicist painters enhanced their subjects. These pictures aren't the problem. It's the people who take them seriously.

They're honestly works of art. Half photograph, half painting. Pretty amazing.

What a disappointment!

Which one? I can't tell.

They're going to sell a lot of that car.

2000 Dodge Dakota: 315

And Clarkson thought it was a car for murderers. Turns out it's not the driver, it's the car.

I'm guessing that those "minor updates" would be far from minor to meet modern standards.

Mercedes is bringing a 2.1L diesel into the US. BMW will likely (hopefully) follow suit.

They really beiged the crap out of it, that's for sure.

@jmayhew: Seriously, the Aztek always wins (and rightly so) when this question is asked.

Two things -