
@FriarNurgle: I was like whaaaa... then looked at the picture again and laughed. Well done.

I think I might switch to Droid just for this.

I have a buddy with a 2007 Mac Pro who's really stressing about this. It looks like it's a mess finding a card that'll work. Anyone here know better?

@gover57: Yeah I guess since we're talking 3 years, or 6 180-day passes of the sun. Throw cloudy days in there and viola.

Why is there unevenness in the sun-paths? Do we really wobble that much?

316 mph at the ends, if my math is correct.

Call in Muad'dib!

@MaNiFeX: Same here in Washington. Work great, and I bet it results (or could result) in a higher voter turnout.

Homer is a very fitting name for the creator of such a vehicle.

@LordNige: Agreed. Pretty sure that was the only difference.

Maybe build in a handicap then? Make PC bullets out of wood?

But why is the pan cold?

The picture with all the cars wedged between decks is truly disturbing.

Dude get down, the sniper is still out there.

Nokia still makes phones?

@xenti: I dunno, I laughed so hard ever time he rolled the Robin. Other than that, yeah sort of dull.