
@friendlynerd: Seriously, that might be the worst dash I have ever seen.

Honestly, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen on the internet.

The iPad wasn't a big deal. The groom tweeting on his iPhone? That was ridiculous.

Maybe if the car wasn't made out of plastic it would have fared better.

@glv: Exactly what I thought when I saw it in theaters. It's okay though, he's already got his prosthetic suit ready to go.

@jedimario: A lot of gay guys I know drive 3-series...es.

Good thing it has brake vents.

We'll call it... Geoff.

We just passed a law in Washington that says if you're blocking traffic in the left lane, even if you are at the speed limit, you must move.

@au6553: Mediocrity never killed anyone, but it still destroys your soul.

@Nurburgring: I think you're confusing the R8 with an M5.

@oddseth: One for each wheel!

Hey look, a TT!

I feel like maybe they should have split this off into another brand... or left it as a VW.

Too many people forget that 4wd cars do not brake any better than 2wd cars, and braking is what really matters.