
I’m not racist”? I’m not interested in allies who need their asses kissed 24/7. You don’t earn respect by simply saying that you’re not racist. That’s now how it works.

They said the same things and were proven wrong by science. As time goes on science continually proves gender is more complicated than we thought. Conversely at the same time that science proves race is less complicated than we thought. There’s no proof that someone with a given racial heritage can be born and live

The thing about a light skinned black person saying they’re white is that they actually are. They probably have a white or biracial parent. It is not the same as having NO known African ancestry and claiming you are black. Both of her parents are 100% white (though I guess they said there’s some Native American

This what her adopted black brother Ezra thinks.

My point was that I should be singled out and rewarded for recognizing my lack of most bias? Damn. I missed that entirely. The end of my post was supposed to be snarky, in a way. All of the things were true but I phrased it in such a way as to sound like a douche. Sometimes these things don’t translate well via text.

“Do you want a cookie” is maybe the lamest stupidest jezebel meme out there. Dude isn’t asking for cookies. If you can’t understand why he feels a need to state “I’m not a racist” on this site of all places, then you have serious problem with reading comprehension and communication in general.

From one of those links: “...the Montana tepee where she was born in 1977... As a child, Doležal and her family hunted their food with bows and arrows.”

damn weiand, you’re a straight up dick.

Don’t worry about Evie, while she feels she should win all the gold medals at the oppression Olympics, she has no problem making shockingly discriminating comments about Jewish and Asian people.

Agreed. Humanity has not evolved past its unerring tendency towards tribalism.

I think they’re just trying to jerk your chain. “I’m more of a victim than you” is a truly despicable argument.

What you said: “I’m sorry you experienced all that racism that you indirectly experienced but you’re not as Hispanic as I am so you don’t count”

Racism isn’t just about job prospects. It’s about being made to feel like you don’t belong, or are unwelcome, just because of your racial characteristics, cultural background, or genetic background.

You seem like quite the racist yourself. Awfully concerned with which shade of hispanic somebody is or isn’t. Fuck off.

Sorry you think pain and oppression is a zero-sum game.

Evie, darling, from the bottom of my heart: fuck you. Just because I look white, I’m not allowed to identify with my Mexican heritage? You know, there’s a word for that: racism.

Then, may I invite you to The Salad Bowl? It’s a sub-blog run by POC for POC.

Guys, I get that this story is like super click-baity, but I haven't seen a single update on the Texas police brutality story on the various Gawker sites since it broke. You're effectively allowing this white woman to continue taking attention away from black people.


Transracial as a life choice is not a thing. Race is a collective social phenomena, gender is individual. The psychology of the two is entirely different, and there are legitimate biological reasons someone can feel they’re the wrong gender and want to change.

While it hasn’t come out yet, I’m certain it will turn out