
No, you or I or the government can't, but the NBA can.

Racism as something that happens inside a person is not illegal.

He owns a franchise of a business. It's not an independent business.

Why can't we fight about pay AND the fact that it's inappropriate to tell your employees how to wash their genitals?

If you constantly consume Deadspin for "legitimate sports news," you're doing it wrong. That's not on Tom Ley. That's on you.

Actors are members of SAG, a very powerful union. One thing SAG does is guarantee benefits (fringe and otherwise), working conditions, and fair wages.

It is a breach of the handbook for which you can be fired if you have a blog the management consider distasteful. That is a reasonable rule implemented at most companies.

Oh, you were an independent contractor so you feel their pain huh? Did you job tell you how to wash your dick, balls, and the crack of your ass? Did you job require you to do 30 UNPAID appearances? Did you job make you do those 30 unpaid appearances, 3 different camps for girls in 3 different cities, golf tournaments,

It's basically the same principles as those for conservation of mass; those R's gotta get used somewhere.

Listen, fuckface, Ley would have been glad to link to that private sex video he made with the goat, the furry Barney Rubble dress-up-guy and the scuba mask, but it's been embargoed

Listen, fuck face, I would have loved to embed the video of the highlight, but the clip on MLB's site is currently "not available for sharing." And if we rip the video and post it on our own, we get a cease and desist letter. So take it up with them.

A shallow pop up followed by a fast dash home also describes Tom Ley's signature sex move.

It's funny because a woman was murdered!

See, "Abortion does not compute with my philosophy" would be just fine as long she understood that her personal philosophy has fuck all to do with whether or not a medical procedure should be legal, but I'm guessing that's not the case. I mean, hell, vaginoplasty and Botox don't "compute with my philosophy," but I'm

Now playing

There is footage, but it is unavailable because of racism. Look at the amazing documentary called "The Old Negro Space Program."

You're the guy that thinks the stories on The Daily Currant are real, right?

An Asian-American NASCAR driver won a race literally two weeks ago.

"Is it because much of the writing staff is white?"

Canada, you son of a bitch. You just out-US'd the US.