
Hundreds of years ago? Not quite. My grandmother's grandmother was forcibly enslaved. My grandmother's mother lived in slave-like conditions as a sharecropper with no rights as a US citizen. My grandmother lived under Jim Crowe laws which made it impossible for her to vote or use the same public toilets as white

Disagree on one point. I think you can call whatever you want art, regardless of how tacky or offensive. What you can't do is use the fact that it's art as a shield against it being offensive. Like Mrs. MPJ says above, art can and often is offensive and racist. That doesn't make it less art, but it also doesn't make

You've got to be kidding. Are you really completely clueless?

The thing that kills me is doesn't the fact that there is a white lady chair out there actually make the photograph MORE racist? Because it means they had an option - use a chair of a white woman or use a chair of a black woman - and they purposefully chose black.

"But there's a white lady chair!" "This is a play on Allen Jones' art from the 60's; why is it only bad if it's a black woman?" Is it possible that there might be different connotations and implications with a black lady chair than with the white lady chair (besides the obvious sexism in the whole depiction of women

You're talking about context but...

Actually, yes, it would be a different story if they had used a different chair. Black people and white people have, currently and historically, been treated very differently in ours and many societies. Therefore, it's completely reasonable to acknowledge that a picture of a black woman being used as a chair would

The watermelon cup from that frat party was just a watermelon cup too... until it was used as a prop in this awfully racist party.

Sherman needs to stop being so darned "irrigant" we've got enough trenches as it is already dammit!

That's like me saying speaking my unicorn. You can't speak for something that doesn't exist.

@AROD Sorry! Autocorrect again. Was supposed to be: Allen Sherman with his typical snigger shit- Love me some "Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh" LOLZ

He sure talks better than you type

Richard Sherman himself knocks it out of the park:

To be fair, the three whitest things in the world are:
1. That Papa John's commercial with Peyton Manning
2. Trying to justify racism
3. Omaha, Nebraska

Actually, it's flat-out shaming, and most of the above accounts have been deleted or suspended already. I'm sure that it looks good to potential employers when they do a random google search and this article comes up associated with them.

Richard Sherman is having the last laugh. I hope all the racists twits lose their jobs on MLK day. Woot-woot!!!

I love it when attention whores on twitter realize they actually didn't want attention, as all these deleted tweets demonstrate.

"every italian 100% hates sherman just because of that interview after the game..typical gorilla nigger"

As a half-Italian, I promise you that you're much more of an embarrassment to us than anything Richard Sherman could ever do. You fucking piece of shit.

I wonder if it would make any difference if they knew he graduated from Stanford, I think with a 4.0....
Nah! They probably don't know what that means.