
"I admit, I think it's possible to over vaccinate. That is to say, in my un-professional opinion"

Before I consider this, I must ask: Does it lower your tolerance a bit? If so, how long does that last? Am I going to spend February falling down after a glass of wine?

No one hates a teetotaler (some of my best friends are teetotalers, really!) but a sanctimonious one is rude and boring. Of all the people I know that don't drink, not one has ever bothered to care if other people do. They stay out with us until 2 AM doing karaoke and no one at the bar would know any better if they

Eh. You can spend a lot at bars or you can not spend a lot at bars. It's easy to avoid spending much money, to be honest. My parents and I used to split up cases of wine from Trader Joe's and it added up to about $3 a bottle. Split between my partner and I, that was about $1.50 a day on alcohol, but only on the few

Why isn't this starred more? You're the best.

It's weird for me. I refuse to drink liquor or do shots, but I love wine the way people love certain sweets. If they made a non-alcoholic drink that tasted like a great Cabernet, I would never drink again.

That one always cracks me up. "This sick, shit-spattered rape carnival we call a planet". Hahaha

I got one of those dolls as a gift when I was younger and it freaked me out more than any inanimate object should freak a reasonable child out. I think it was the black, expressionless eyes.

I am by no means rich, but I was the recipient of a random act of charity recently and I would be more than happy to help. If I can send a gift card or do a small PayPal transfer (in some way that doesn't alert the collection agencies) let me know.

Eh. I don't think Tim Burton is even in the same universe as Martin Scorsese as far as talent goes (but I can't stand Tim Burton films, so I'm obviously biased.)

Also, guess how lucky you are that you get to avoid things you don't want to see? How much luck would a gay man or woman have getting through life without seeing heterosexual displays of affection in public or the media? Grow up.

If an innocuous photo of two people kissing makes you think about gerbiling, you might be the disgusting one.

Okay. So the idea of wearing nylons or hose that match my skin has always been a fashion thing that I am genuinely confused by. Is it always, in every case, not cool for people who aren't over 60? I feel pretty comfortable about my fashion decisions, but this is one area where people seem to have pretty strong

I'm sure every abusive parent thinks they're creating the next superstar, and not just the next junkie nodding off in Tompkins Square. Also, THIS.

Also: Sewing machine, every Lady Gaga album.


I can't wait until that kid becomes a world-famous ballet dancer.

Dreads? Am I missing something?

May I ask why you chose to go off of it? I'm thinking about exploring other options as far as treatment and I'm curious what the impetus was and what your solution has been since.

Also, foreheads all look the same to me, unless they are incredibly large or small, that is. Here I thought I was self-conscious as is; now I'm aware of even more standards to which I should be holding myself!