
Word. I mentioned this site to my mom as kind of a nudge. "You should visit more often!" I said. Without missing a beat she replies, "Well if I had grandchildren to visit..." OKAY. NO LONGER FEELING SENTIMENTAL. HANGING UP NOW.

As someone whose cat was violently attacked by a raccoon, this GIF makes me SO NERVOUS.

Ohioan and Reds fan here, and Marty is a goddamn treasure.

Does she literally not age?

I do think that sexual relationships with men could be more conducive to faking orgasms, because most men orgasm every time they have sex. I think it might be difficult for them to understand that sex can be entirely enjoyable and awesome without a consistent end result, and that can lead to hurt feelings/pressure

I was a faker for 4 years. I started dating my ex when I was 18 and had little to no idea what I wanted out of sex. I felt inadequate because I couldn't orgasm and then he felt bad. The biggest problem with faking is definitely the cycle you create with it - because I had previously faked, I always had to fake. Two

Keynote speaker? That seems like the worst possible idea. Couldn't he just cut them a hefty check and not go anywhere near a room full of sexual assault victims?

Am I the worst person for just not thinking pigs are that cute? I don't know why, but even micropigs don't strike a real empathy chord with me.

Tabloid "body language experts" would have a field day with this photo. "Barack seems distant and uninterested, while Michelle is clinging to her man! She seems to be distancing herself around the midsection, quite possibly due to her subconscious desire to bear children."

Sarah Haskins is my favorite. I made my boyfriend watch the Target Women compilation with me and he just didn't really get it. A little background:

Right? If I wanted to hear someone with no background in science try to dictate public policy I would turn on CSPAN.

Ugh. I get that it's fun to watch The View ladies be all batty, but giving television time to someone who publicly promotes dangerous conspiracy theories isn't the funny kind of bad idea. It's just a bad idea.

Haha. I'm definitely going to start calling it "fizzy wine" now.

So I guess THIS LADY finally got hitched.

Yeah I was just thinking that I've never given more than $100 or spent more than that on a wedding gift.

I mean, pretty much every wedding I've ever been to has been "open bar", but not open bar. Like, there is a red wine and a white wine and a small selection of cheap beers. Is that not normal? None of the receptions I've attended have been anything close to lavish.


Nah she's too busy trafficking breast milk.

I think the stereotype of the angry, preachy vegan is a little overblown. However, there are different annoyances that creep up. For example, my friends and I host little dinner parties every couple of weeks. It's at a different lady's house each time, and we all bring dishes to share. We usually make a smorgasbord of

I have honest to goodness had meat juice, aka blood and grease, dripped over my meal countless times by meat eaters who noticed I wasn't eating meat and took huge personal offence to that.