
This is an incredible story, and Chelsea is truly an inspiration. Having said that, I really hope this doesn't turn into one of those stories that people use to make the argument that there are no barriers to education or success. "Hey this girl pulled herself up by her bootstraps, so everyone else can too!"

I was in the restroom at my friend's wedding, unaware that the best man speech was happening. When I came back out EVERYONE was in tears. I tried to get information about the content but everyone was all "You just had to be there. Can't explain it."

Agreed. I'm pretty certain this is a safe way for people to try out approaches and jokes that they aren't confident about. If everyone laughs, it's a success. If not, the speaker can be like, "So it's a good thing I decided to do this instead!"

Yeah, fair enough. I guess I am annoyed on the occasions that Jezebel becomes a parody of itself. A majority of the time, the writers do a fantastic job addressing inequality and critiquing media and culture. There are times, though, that I feel like I'm being told to be outraged about something that is largely

Oh, yeah, I forgot that speculation in lieu of facts was the cornerstone of responsible journalism.

Yeah, but why even mention that there are rumors on Twitter about it? Does every baseless Twitter rumor deserve a mention?

I agree that we shouldn't be making assumptions about her religion, but I think it's fair to assume this person is pretty conservative (personally, maybe not politically) if she is filing a complaint with the school district over a description of a vagina.

I was trying to find a non-FOX source for this story and had to do a few Google searches with some variation of "Anne Frank vagina". Easily the worst thing I've ever typed into a search engine.

This boggles me. Even in the context of the puritanical, sex-negative education system we've wrought upon our kids, why would a simple anatomical description be offensive? Are there people out there who don't want their kids to go to medical school because they might have to crack open a Biology textbook?