
You know, I think I have finally figured out what’s been bothering me about FFXIV (and, to an extent, Final Fantasy in general): it feels an intense need to rename things that really don’t need to be renamed. It wants so badly to convey to the player that it takes place on a different world than ours - a fantasy

Well, when your work network blocks and flag websites like Kotaku for ‘gaming’ (seriously), you’re somewhat limited as to the frequency of incidents. The irony is that some websites aren’t flagged that are larger troublemakers, like Reddit. So guess where I hang around all day.

as far as I could tell was Lutheran

I suppose it would be if they explicitly tell you they’re going to use it for illegal activities. But, yeah, any assumption on the dealer’s part about the insured, you’d be right.

Could you ELI5 the 'fishing' method? I would assume it has something to do with a rotating Schuler of Pokémon appearances?

Is it possible that those downvoting and those upvoting are two completely separate groups of people? It boggles the mind!

The coins I’ve already spent (which is not all) were primarily toward storage capacity. Coins well spent, tbh.

One can explore while having a general idea of where they’re going. Again, the 3-step navigational function is a feature in the game. It’s (currently) not working. Naturally, people would be upset. Is this surprising you?

About that. Pokevision was a way around the 3-step glitch for many a player. Would some still use the map even if the glitch were nonexistent? Sure. But now that neither the map NOR the 3-step are working, that’s crippling the actual gameplay regardless of how you look at it. It’s one thing to wander outside with a gen

It’s a shame, really. I enjoy playing the game, and have put about $20 from Survey credits into Go since the start, but will probably refrain from future purchases unless I know it can be put to good use.

Until the devs render them useless because they see them as icky cheats. But keep hatching your eggs with R/C cars and ceiling fans because they find them funny.

Just because it’s not a spoiler to you doesn’t mean it isn’t a spoiler to someone else.

I did indeed make that claim, because the certainly can be. I said this to another, but mechanics can very well be a spoiler to some. Just because it isn’t for you doesn’t mean that invalidates that position for another. And you’re right. They haven’t shown a lot of gameplay. That’s on purpose. Because... spoilers.

But the gameplay and mechanics are certainly spoiler material. Not to mention the game devs have inserted actual lore to find and deconstruct (i.e. the Center). I don’t blame Sean for being unhappy at spoilers.

I just hit 30 this year and now I feel old because I have no clue what ‘woke’. Can someone who isn’t Google enlighten me?

I’d look at it for the law of large numbers. If you notice a trend of certain Pokemon being reported consistency in certain areas, you can then conclude you’ll probably encounter that Pokemon more frequently in that area as opposed to less so in others.

I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what you said:

So you’re saying they can’t, y’know, do both? No one is allowed to have fun at any point, lest we forget there’s a need for a cancer cure, amirite?

There was a gathering of about 5000 people in downtown Grand Rapids last night. It was amazing. (Un)fortunately, no mob rushes to any rare Pokemon that appeared.