
I grew up in a household where corporal punishment was both a) a last resort, and b) never ever done in anger. I was swatted on the rear, and pretty much deserved the shit out of it, but after I could control my sobbing (more out of shame/humiliation than pain) my mom or dad would sit me down and lecture why they did

I usually see a bunch of modem deals on Kinja, but they usually are all for cable connections. I run AT&T DSL. Anyone have a clue to how wide a range there is for DSL modems? From what I'm gathering from Google and Amazon, there really isn't much of a selection...

Ugh. $250. That's more than the cost of my monitors combined.

Ugh. $250. That's more than the cost of my monitors combined.

I play on a friend's server that has 83 mods. As in you need to download and run these 83 mods in order to play on said server, or else shit ain't gonna run right, if at all. That said, it's the funnest damned thing I've played in a long time. I used to hate the idea of Minecraft. Hate it. I never understood

"you get that way because you fundamentally don't really care very much about other people you don't know."

I know she says that her family is supportive of her decision, it's just... this makes me, on a personal level, super uncomfortable. My wife and I heard of her over the weekend and when we heard she has a family, our minds were blown. My wife even asked, "What happened to 'til death do us part'?" I agree with that.

So because he has an opinion differing from yours, that's an embarrassment? He pretty much backed up every reason why he dislikes the game. Perhaps you can provide reasons why you like it instead?

The correct answer to "Should you play" is "Yes... when it hits a Steam Sale or Humble Bundle for $1."

Wait, how did you know about the special ed. before the end of the Nintendo Direct episode? It was literally the last thing they had mentioned. Was there something else that leaked it first?

I hope this thing isn't as rare as everyone's making it out to be. I was lucky and snagged the Link Between Worlds' edition 3DS back a few black fridays ago, and plan to give that one to my wife as I nab this one. MM has always been my #1 Zelda game, so this would be absolutely perfect. *fanboyswoon*

He said he made about 2k gold. The 4k number was gold per hour... which i'm not quite sure of the reason why he uses that.

As soon as I saw FNAF, I nabbed it right away. Thanks for the heads up! Merry Christmas!

As soon as I saw FNAF, I nabbed it right away. Thanks for the heads up! Merry Christmas!

OhGod, I could never get past the Just Can't Wait To Be King level for the longest time... and when I did and got to the Hyenas? #tenyearoldragequit

I like to retcon the idea that he was using the word 'evil' ironically. "Oh, you think we're evil? Well fine then, we're 'evil'."


"i would like to call out CAMRY drivers."

Maybe that just says that beauty/ugliness is purely subjective? *shrug*

I'm not caught up on the manga yet, but I do know that Sarah uses a bow and arrow at one point because there's a moment where she's caught facing a titan without her 3dmg. I'll leave the rest spoiler free.

"I'm surprised it took someone this long to think of this"

Here I am, queued to log into WoW's servers on the launch day of an expansion, and I'm as of the moment I'm typing this 5717 in queue and have an estimated time of 177 minutes.