
You’ve always done the auction? Awesome! A lot of people don’t. Don’t take my word for it, there was an entire social media meltdown a while ago about it: https://www.businessinsider.com/monopoly-auction-rule-changes-game-2017-11 

That’s like, your opinion man. Personally 3 is still my favorite Fallout. I really like what New Vegas did with the story and added mechanics, but 3 had a better sense of adventure and discovery through the map. Many a True Nerd on YouTube has a good video that talks about it, and I agree. But the point was that in

I always have to ask - when people talk about Monopoly “taking forever”, have you actually played correctly or are you talking about playing the way most people play, which is wrong and drags the game out forever?

Did they play several games of Monopoly as research or something?

Seven.... seven YEARS??

The image is too clean, maybe? The shots are pretty rudimentary, too. I don’t want to shit on the production values — yeah, the CGI around the suit looks a bit cheap, but they seem to have a lot of physical props on a real set, which I respect in this overly green-screen era. But the Vault Dweller’s make-up looks

I hate that shit. You need ore to buy crystals, and you convert crystals gems to buy upgrades for your pieces.

A game about using capitalism to bankrupt as many people as possible, enhanced to encourage people into going broke gambling on bells and whistles.

Says a lot about the self-awareness of anyone spending consistently on it.

And all for a game that is, to put it very simply: fucking awful.

Other posters have mentioned it obliquely, but OW2 is just Overwatch with worse design. It shouldn’t have ever been considered a separate game in the first place, and most of the changes were poorly conceived.

The catch that you have to leave the bin makes this feel like a sketch and I love it.

Other than New Vegas, which game’s protagonists weren’t vault dwellers? I don’t remember Fallout 2, but 1, 3, 4, and 76 were all vault dwellers.

Why does this clip give me “90s syndicated action show” energy? But like, with less pep on the script than those usually had.

Yes it has. Also old media.

Not online media. All media has always been this stupid.

That’s not really the point though. Its that they promise something, then abandoned it. And then they promised something else, and are probably going to abandon it too.

TF2 was also a PvP game and it has a PvE mode. People were kind of expecting something like that with the Blizzard magic. 

The sad thing is that I’d actually sign up for Overwatch if there was single-player, offline content. League of Legends has been trying pretty hard to bring that universe to other kinds of players/viewers, and I appreciate that. Arcane and Ruined King have let me play around in that franchise. It’s strange, by

The vast amount of porn and fanfic of these characters disagree with you.

People want PvE because they want more story scenarios featuring these characters that aren’t vague nonsense hinted at by trailers.  It’s a big reason why people got so upset about Overwatch 2.0

This is all down to useless leadership that rarely ever face consequences for their terrible, awful, no-good decisions.