
I get what they were doing there for sure. But, to me it just looked so much more compelling before the areas were liberated. It was different from any game out there at the time. After they were liberated it just looked like every other game.

As for why I would have done? dunno....never thought that far into it. :) 

I loved the aesthetic of The Saboteur when you first entered the game. It was a shame they couldn’t do something just as cool for when you started liberating the areas.

As you progressed it lost all its charm to me. 

I loved the game and didn’t have that problem, my issue was all the bullshit things they expected you to do to 100% it, like win janky ass volleyball games or jump rope perfectly 100 times in a row or run towards the screen away from a Banzai Bill doing perfectly timed triple jumps onto blocks you can’t even see until

Super Mario 64 is hugely important and has a ton of impact even to today, but the actual game is a little too rough around the edges for me to put it in the top spot like this. I loved it as a kid, but I really struggled to return to it a couple years back when the Super Mario 3D All-Stars pack came out (especially

There’s no shortage of soft targets like that. And it’s always the same dilemma - don’t screen, and you’re opening the floodgates; screen, and you’re setting people waiting for the screening up to be sitting ducks. Both incredibly scary. Oh, and that’s before you get into scenarios like huge events in the middle of

Yeah, I mean there is little in the way to prevent that, or even a car with a trunk full of C4 pulling up to the drop off.  And while they could pre screen any vehicles entering the airport property, it’s just not realistic. At the end of the day you can only do so much

I read a fiction novel, where terroists started bombing the security lines. Its a perfect vector now. Bags aren’t screened on entry to the airport - so a huge roller bag of c4 can come right into line - and there are often 1000+ people packed tightly waiting to get through a security bottleneck..

It’s like COVID. No one wants to be the entity that was perceived as not doing enough. The shoe bomber guy, one person and unsuccessful at that, created this shoe-off nonsense. Buy hey, can’t be seen as not going the extra, extra mile.

A 9/11 style takeover became impossible once they started locking the cockpit doors. That was the only real change they needed.

Exactly pre 9/11 most hijackings were to more or less fly the plane to “insert place” and by and large most passengers weren’t harmed.  Post 9/11 with the idea that the plane will be used as a weapon itself, it just isn’t going to work, every able bodied person on that plane is gonna go full MMA on your ass, and

In the past, the advice to passengers in a hijacking scenario was to sit tight and comply with the hijackers’ instructions. By and large, until 9/11, that advice had worked. Some hijackings had resulted in the deaths of a few passengers but the overwhelming majority of aircraft passengers had survived hijacking

The TSA is designed to be noticeable, intrusive, and cumbersome, as a feature and not a bug. If it ain’t creating a whole hassle, then how will the public NOTICE the government is DOING SOMETHING about that terrorism stuff? It is pure theater like that. It is meant to be in your face, and down your pants, by design.

Looks like they took some tips from the Monster Hunter team

If there’s one thing that’s good at moving forward it’s a juggernaut.

Except that Lou is beloved

This makes sense. In Japanese mirai (ミライ) means “future”, which not only explains the futuristic Ride Pokemon’s name, it also fits with the long-shot hydrogen-powered Toyta Mirai fuel cell car that they keep trying to make successful.

That thing looks super hard to turn and super awesome!

That one looked much better, too.  Vinnie Jones is to Juggernaut as Lou Ferrigno is to Hulk.

There doesn’t need to be Juggernaut in DP3.  He was cool in the last movie but got to keep things moving forward.  Something silly like a news report of the Juggernaut still running amok 6 months after DP2 would be funny.

Now playing

Reminder that they had Juggernaut in Deadpool 2, where he was completely CGI and voiced by a pitch-shifted Ryan Reynolds. I imagine if they wanted him in the new Deadpool and Vinnie Jones didn’t want to do it, they could probably have just done that again.