
The thing is, the US government is doing a fine job of expressing how little they care about checks and balances and the law of the land. 99% of the stuff they do is ultimately self-serving. Trump and his cronies had inspired a lot of like-minded fools regardless of their experience in politics, or even high school

No, that is not the problem. Indeed that’s either peculiar libertarian right-wing view you’re expressing, or you’re completely illiterate economically. I suspect the former. Printing money is not a bad thing. Nor is writing more checks. Only libertarians with no grasp on how economies actually function believe what

“...as a Republican” .. ah.. I see. Good to know.. so he’s a reprehensible human being then. Love how convenient that political affiliation makes things for the rest of us, I knew nothing about him but knowing he’s a republican answers all the questions I might’ve had and prevents the need for asking any more. May he

More absurd is the fact that the Latino vote in the US is drifting further to the right than Democrats care to acknowledge. In fact, the GOP has gained Latino voters since 2016.

“Toxic divisions are tearing our families and our society apart. I want to help bring sanity and civility to the public discussion.”

I remember when Georgia cracked down on migrant laborers and ended up with millions of peaches rotting on the branch because they couldn’t get anyone else to pick them. they even tried drafting prisoners who did half a day and then were like “nah take me back to my cell”

I have a friend in Florida and from what he’s told me, there’s been significant instances of business owners who gleefully were for clamping down on the “aliens” and everything Meatball Ron hammered until it wiped out their work crew and cried “I didn’t think it would affect ME!”

I love these clowns talking about democracy as if they actually like it. The GOP are the worst fuckers ever at voting rights so it cracks me up every time. It’s like Helldivers 2 but instead of bugs they are talking about brown people.

I want to help bring sanity and civility to the public discussion. And so today, I’m announcing my candidacy as a Republican

Even more deliciously absurd is the fact that the majority of the immigrants coming into the US are highly religious (Catholic, Christian, etc). They’d be a *LOCK* for Republican votes if the party could let go of their ethno-fascist Nazi-wannabe white-supremacist bullshit. But no. Their hate for not-white people is

Should also be noted, florida passed extremely strict laws against hiring undocumented workers, it basically killed a chunk of their talent pool if im not mistaken

What makes me shake my head the most is that Conservative Politics have evolved and become emboldened to the point that they don’t really need the dog whistles and code anymore.

Marty...Homie, you don’t need to say “Traditional Families” anymore, you can just say “gay people are illegal,” your fellow Republicans

I wish more people realized this. Presidents don’t just flip a switch and the economy is fixed. They do a bunch of shit and pass it off to the next president to deal with. Obviously that is a huge oversimplification, but my point is that i wish more people looked at things more than surface-deep

“Our country is going in the wrong direction,” O’Donnell says in the video. “Toxic divisions are tearing our families and our society apart.”

GFY with a cactus, Marty. 🌵 

Looks like his policies are about 50 years expired...

no inflation while the Orange Man was in office.

I feel like the only good answer is “whichever looks the most interesting to you.” So many things change from game to game that it doesn’t really matter where you start. Outside of the few direct sequels that exist, you’re starting fresh story wise. Gameplay can be radically different. The only real connective tissue

Something that was a massive barrier to entry for me into handheld games was the small screen. I had no desire to shrink what were already limited graphics into an even more limited (and usually uglier) small screen.

I know I say this every time, but Nintendo is the only company that truly understands handhelds. Everyone else, from the GameGear to the Vita has tried selling portable consoles, not realizing that what people really want are portable games. Games designed around small screens and short play sessions.