
I think something similar is standard in most of Europe and the UK. The sooner the truck or car driver is held strictly liable for hitting a bicyclist or pedestrian the better.

Fun isn’t fashionable anymore. We’re all about proto-fascist aggression now. Everything is angry, dark, and monochrome. It fucking sucks and I hate it.

I know we did a hard turn away from it in the early ‘00s but I think the ‘90s bright colors and patterns aesthetic was better than people give it credit for. It was fun!

Pretty sure it was a 5.7L V8, not a 5.4. 

Would you settle for this totally awesome space shuttle livery?

You’d be hard pressed to find a $60K car made today that would give you less potential problems than a Reagan-era Mercedes, and changing the headlights won’t set you back a mortgage payment. The days I’d pay more for crank windows and less gadgets just to avoid inevitably sticking some electrical tape over a check

Any 80s Dodge Shadow. K-car based, loud engine that didn’t really propel the vehicle forward and parts fell off weekly. I only know this because every girl I dated in the late 80s early 90s drove one of these. I actually think every girl without exception in the late 80s early 90s drove one of these. For the 2nd car

Thinking about this, a two car garage would need to have something practical and something ostensibly fun. So:

And even when the victim is white, the cops will still close ranks, lie, destroy evidence, drag the victim’s name through the mud, etc. I hate to make assumptions but I am guessing that the victim does not come from a rich or powerful family, so in the end this will be treated much like when a cop murders a person of

Boat dude is RIPPED.

Sadly, you would be mistaken. Cops brutally murder white folks with regularity but on a less per cap basis than minorities but still far more than any other rich country’s cops kill anyone, regardless of color or socio-economic status.

I believe this is the biggest problem. A job like that just has to be mentally scarring and the fact that they don’t have mandatory counseling is disturbing. Though I’m sure if they tried to mandate it the unions would fight it. Until mental health is destigmatized too many bros would see counseling as admitting

Public pensions really are set up to screw pension workers over, and are ripe for reform. For where I am police collect 0% unless they work 10 years. Teachers get 0% unless they work for 20 years. A 401k match sounds better by comparison. 

What sucks is that those cops that can recognize that their nerves are frayed or are starting to have PTSD or other mental/emotional effects from their job are not always given the proper outlet to retire early and leave the force. I know one particular cop (friend of a friend) who went through a tough situation. A

No shit. If the cops are that jumpy they need to be in another line of work.

Traffic stops should not receive the death penalty.  

Volvo and Honda are probably at the top of the list. Followed by Mercedes, then Mitsubishi, then Ford(who have made tractors, trucks, an airplane).

Yamaha. Besides motorcycles, they made engines for the Taurus SHO and every obnoxious synthesizer keyboard in the 1980s. And your TV.


Once upon a time…