
and why is the fluid stream going over the windshield?

I’m guessing he’s a mid-westerner who gets tailgated a lot in the snow.

Wipers blades.

I’m almost fine with this. So some graphic designer has never driven a manual. So the web designer that approved this set of graphics has never driven a manual or didn’t actually check the work or both. No big deal.

oh cool! I was looking for someone who could do maintenance on my wiper blades.

Bisonte 4ever <3

The typical well off French family of the 60's - mother, father, two children and father’s mistress. 

I was all ready to correct you that it was a 2.3 not a 2.5, but upon further research, Ford did make a 2.5 liter for the Ranger only.

This car is like an episode of the Twilight Zone where the protagonist wakes up in a world that looks perfectly normal, but is just a little bit off in ways that slowly compound until the character goes mad.

Anagrams of her name include Americans Lose & Ceremonial Ass

Which makes even less sense when, historically, launch lineups are increasingly filled with ports, remasters, and small tech demos masquerading as full games. Totally worth paying a 300% markup. /s

It’s right in the article: “some are writing or messaging that they have Gamewoori pre-orders, showing their receipts with claim info as proof.”

I’m just waiting. Not paying inflated prices. I have literally hundreds of games I can play in the interim.

The only real solution to scalpers would be people willing to wait a few months for production to ramp up enough to meet demand. And yet, we are in the timeline where a whole lot of people are willing to pay 3x the price of a consumer electronic just to get their hands on it ASAP.

actually, there is an incentive. repeat business. a legitimate customer who got a console will return to said business again in the future for other purchases. a scalper deprives the business of this business relation. they sold a product but they lost a chance at creating a business relation with a customer. so, yes.

Walmart, Sony, Best Buy, Target have all initiated a queue system in the U.S. Target being the most annoying with constant Captcha usage.

But Gamewoori cares it seems.

Retailers have no motivation whatsoever to combat the bots swiping up all the inventory of PS5s, Xboxes and GPUs. If they sell everything they get, they see it as a win.